How long is the usual course of oral isotretinoin before I see results?

Studies have shown that most cases of severe acne respond to a single 4 to 6 month treatment course and that the effect of oral isotretinoin, especially for those having severe nodulocystic acne, can be dramatic. It is known that, pustules heal more quickly than papules or nodules. Also, lesions on our face, upper arms, and legs tend to respond more quickly than lesions on our back or chest.

Usually, it takes approximately 1 to 2 months after starting oral isotretinoin acne treatment to see real improvement in our acne condition. It is good to know that treatment may start at a lower dose in order for our skin to get used to the drug before increasing to a higher dose in the months that follow.

The result of oral isotretinoin treatment is that we will see fewer or no new lesions, further the lesions that do come up should be smaller and should resolve more quickly. Studies have shown that results tend to last for at least several months to years after stopping this acne treatment.

What follows are the laboratory evaluation procedures that get involved:

Pretreatment evaluation
Review of the side effects
Review of pregnancy/contraception (women only)
Review of informed consent booklet

Blood tests at pretreatment and on weeks 4 and 8
Baseline fasting cholesterol
Triglyceride level
Standard liver function test
Pregnancy test (women only)

Monthly evaluation
Review of the side effects
Review of birth control methods
Physical exam to document improvement
Answer questions and review results

Is oral isotretinoin suitable for my acne condition?

It is acknowledged that oral isotretinoin is the first-line treatment for severe acne and may also be used in people who have failed conventional acne treatment, such as through the combination of topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, topical or systemic acne antibiotics or where appropriate hormonal acne therapies too.

In general, we may go for oral isotretinoin for our acne condition if we are having:

  • Severe nodulocystic acne (i.e. scattered noducles mostly concentrated on our face, chest and our back) or severe acne variants
  • Inflammatory acne (i.e. mostly papules, pustules, cysts) with acne scarring consequences that has failed conventional acne treatment
  • Moderate-to-severe acne with frequent relapsing
  • Acne coupled with severe psychologic distress

When I start oral isotretinoin, will my acne get worse before it gets better?

In some cases, there can be a flare of the acne in the first month after starting oral isotretinoin (sold under the trade name of Accutane, and its generics is known as Sotret or Amnesty). However, to avoid this from happening, we may start a short course of prednisone (i.e. a corticosteroid commonly used to treat inflammation) to minimize the inflammation and to avoid the flare that would accompany it.

In most cases, we should start at a lower dose and incrementally increase the dose over the first one to two months for us to get used to the drug.

What should I avoid while taking oral isotretinoin to treat my acne?

The following may come in handy:

  1. Women should not get pregnant while taking oral isotretinoin or for at least one month after stopping oral isotretinoin to treat their acne.

  2. Remember not to give blood while taking isotretinoin or for 1 month after stopping it. Studies show that those who are pregnant when exposed to your blood, her baby risks exposure to birth defects.

  3. It is advisable to use 2 forms of contraceptive, i.e. oral contraceptive and a condom while on oral isotretinoin, this is to make sure pregnancy does not occur. Do note that birth control pills that do not contain estrogen (i.e. female sex hormone) may not work while we are on Accutane. Always check with the doctor where appropriate.

  4. Do not take isotretinoin with other antibiotics unless after talking to our doctor.

  5. Do not have cosmetic procedures to smooth our skin (which shall include waxing or laser procedures), while on isotretinoin or for 6 months after we stop.

  6. Never breastfeed while taking isotretinoin or for 1 month after stopping the drug for treating our acne.

  7. Try to avoid excessive sunlight and ultraviolet lights and tanning booths, because oral isotretinoin can make our skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light.

  8. Let our doctor know what other drugs or herbal products that we are currently taking. This is important as some of these products may decrease the efficacy of our oral contraceptive and would have to be discontinued for the duration of our acne treatment and 1 month after.

  9. Avoid vitamin A supplements as they will increase our chances of having side effects.

For other acne clear and acne care questions and soultions, we may want to refer this page here.

How many courses of oral isotretinoin can I take?

To minimize the risk of adverse long-term reactions that oral isotretinoin can have on our bones and other organ systems, we should follow the maximal lifetime dose of oral isotretinoin that is considered safe and appropriate.

In general, most people on a typical course of oral isotretinoin of 0.8 mg/kg for a 16 to 20 weeks’ course could do three treatment courses over their lifetime if necessary. However, the 0.8 mg/kg is considered as an average acne treatment dose, hence dose may be increased in order to get the desired acne treatment results.

Studies show that low-dose oral isotretinoin can still be very effective in some people. This not only minimizes the side effects but also allows us to use it intermittently, over time, as needed and with proper monitoring without concern of reaching the maximal dosage.

Good news is that many of the side effects caused by taking oral isotretinoin are dose related, what that means is that we may work along and within the dose limit given to achieve the desired acne treatment results, and to avoid and minimize those harmful side effects.

Can I have laser or cosmetic treatments, waxing, or other treatments done while I am on oral isotretinoin?

It is learnt that oral isotretinoin (sold under the trade name of Accutane, and its generics is known as Sotret or Amnesty) affects our skin cell turnover, which means that any surgery or laser resurfacing treatment, or even deeper chemical peels when done within 6 months of taking oral isotretinoin can lead to excessive scarring and disfigurement.

In fact, our skin is drier and more sensitive while on oral isotretinoin therapy, as such any treatment that potentially irritates the skin can be a problem. Hence, our skin may react more strongly to waxing or other hair removal methods too.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the newer lasers today, i.e. nonablative lasers, this is probably less of a risk today because they do not remove the upper layers of our skin. Still, many doctors prefer to wait for at least 6 months before doing any elective procedure, especially if it is for cosmetic purposes.

Laser or intense pulsed light hair removal is sometimes done while on oral isotretinoin, but we should be careful to have the procedure done by a qualified doctor and let the doctor know we are on oral isotretinoin.

What dose of isotretinoin is right for me?

As a matter of fact, the dose can vary and depend on our weight and the severity of our acne condition. The doctor will first determine how much we weigh in kilograms and prescribe the dose accordingly. The dose can range from 0.1 to 2 mg/kg, with the most common dose being 0.8 mg/kg/day and divided into two, i.e. morning and night. It is noted that oral isotretinoin is best absorbed and most effective when taken with food and when taken twice a day.

Usually, our doctor will start us on a lower dose for the first month or two so that we can acclimate to the side effects (at least to some extent), and then increase the dose for the rest of the 16 to 20 weeks severe acne treatment course. However, depending on the acne treatment results achieved and in some cases, higher doses for longer than 20 weeks may be required. Also, in some very severe cases of acne, oral prednisone (i.e. a corticosteroid commonly used to treat inflammation), will be given for a duration of 2 to 6 weeks, usually before oral isotretinoin acne treatment is begun.

We may want to know that before we start oral isotretinoin, we should have a detailed discussion with our doctor regarding any concerns that we may have about oral isotretinoin acne treatment, more so if we have any personal or family history of depression. The doctor will give us a booklet that the makers of oral isotretinoin provide; this is for us to review at home and to discuss with our family. Once we have made up our mind, we and our doctor must sign and date on several pages on our next visit. At this pre-oral isotretinoin visit, we are required to have our baseline blood tests, which will be repeated monthly while we are taking the drug.

If we are a woman, the doctor will also review pregnancy and contraceptive issues with us and make sure that we are not pregnant at the start of oral isotretinoin treatment. We have to aware that the risk of birth defects exists while the retinoid is in our body. Once the retinoid is cleared, usually 6 weeks after discontinuing oral isotretinoin acne therapy, there is no longer a risk. Also, patient information form and video are obtainable from the manufacturer to help us better understand on any contraceptive and pregnancy issues.

Why didn't oral isotretinoin work for me?

It is good to know that recurrence of acne is not uncommon after an oral isotretinoin course. However, some people are able to successfully retreated with oral and topical acne antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, and topical retinoids, though a significant number may require retreatment with isotretinoin. A study conducted showed that, only 38% of patients had no acne at the 3-year follow-up after a single course of oral isotretinoin, while the remaining patients were able to control their acne with topical acne treatment, topical treatment plus oral acne antibiotics, or a retreatment with oral isotretinoin.

The study also showed that relapse was more likely to occur in patients who were 16 years old or younger and in women than in men, and that relapse is most common in the first year after treatment too. From the acne clear and acne care point of views, maintenance acne treatment such as with a topical retinoid may reduce the relapse rate.

What are the side effects of oral isotretinoin?

We may not know that oral isotretinoin is considered by many as a very controversial drug because of some of the side effects associated with it (in fact there are congressional hearings and attempts to take it off the market). On the other hand there are also many considered oral isotretinoin treatment to be life saving as no other drug available at this time that can actually treat and often clear those severe, scarring, and disfiguring acne.

Nevertheless, through proper counseling and monitoring, oral isotretinoin can really be a miracle cure for those with severe, scarring acne condition as well as help avoiding the worst side effects that might happen.

Potential Side Effects of Oral Isotretinoin

Common side effects:

  1. Dry skin, dry eyes, chapped lips and dry mouth – it is noted that some new formulations of oral isotretinoin are less affected by food and also have fewer side effects in terms of dryness of skin, eyes, and mouth and less of a potential effect on our lipids;
  2. Nosebleeds;
  3. Muscle aches, backaches, and mild headaches usually at the start of oral isotretinoin therapy;
  4. Skin fragility especially on the hands.
Uncommon or serious side effects:
  1. Hypertriglyceridemia (liver function abnormalities) – studies show that this can be improved with continued administration of the drug or after oral isotretinoin was stopped; however, regular blood tests are still required to ensure our liver function as normal. What is important is that we should try to avoid drinking alcohol while on this acne therapy as oral isotretinoin is easily metabolized or digested by our liver;
  2. Severe headaches;
  3. Mood swings/depression/suicidal ideation – though this may be due to different reasons, should this happen, oral isotretinoin should be discontinued in these cases;
  4. Pseudotumor cerebri (i.e. increased pressure build-up on the brain);
  5. Bone changes (including osteoporosis) - typically found in patients on higher doses of the drug or in whom high doses are used over longer periods of time than usual. Example of this included loss of bone density, bone fractures or delayed healing;
  6. Visual changes, e.g. decreased night vision, may last even after oral isotretinoin was stopped.
Most serious but avoidable:

Birth defects – it is very important for any woman who is of child-bearing potential who plans on taking isotretinoin to have two negative pregnancy tests before starting oral isotretinoin treatment and for at least 1 month after the therapy. Adequate contraception is essential, and the importance of this cannot be overstated before and during treatment, and for 4 weeks after discontinuing oral isotretinoin treatment. It is good to know that oral isotretinoin is a potent teratogen that is known to cause birth defects in children whose mothers get pregnant while taking oral isotretinoin or within 1 month after stopping isotretinoin. To know more about “should women continue topical or oral acne treatment while they are pregnant,” we may want to read here.

What is hormonal therapy? Do I need to have my hormones evaluated?

Hormonal therapy is an excellent option for women with acne (i.e. moderate to severe acne or in women with late-onset acne. To know more about different types of acne, please refer to this page), more so if oral contraception is also desired. In fact, hormonal therapy implies oral contraceptives, either alone or in conjunction with other hormone treatments for undesirable increased of hair growth on our face or other parts of our body, excessive hair loss from the scalp, irregular menstrual periods, and other conditions as well.

Generally, hormonal therapy is useful for women with endocrine abnormalities and for women who are nonresponsive to or unable to tolerate those conventional acne therapies, i.e. oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, and retinoids along with benzoyl peroxide. Nevertheless, hormonal therapy is proven effective when used in conjunction with other antiacne therapies/conventional acne therapies (i.e. oral or topical acne antibiotics, topical retinoids, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide). For those with concerns about the reduced effectiveness of contraception when oral contraceptive pills are used in conjunction with oral acne antibiotics, recent evidence suggests that their effectiveness in contraception should not be reduced.

Studies show that hormonal therapies work best in adult women and sexually active teens with persistent, painful, deep, inflammatory papules and nodules, and often comedones on the forehead and chin, though the skin may or may not be oily in this case.

How hormonal therapy works to treat acne is to block the effects of androgens (i.e. a class of hormones that cause the sebaceous gland to enlarge and produce more serum, which is an important factor in the causation of acne) on our sebaceous gland (i.e. oil-producing glands located in the deeper layers of our skin, and are attached to the hair follicle and the oil can travel up to the surface of our skin. We may want to read here for the details of human skin structure) and the skin cells that are lining our pores. It accomplishes this with the use of estrogens (i.e. female sex hormone) or a class of drugs known as antiandrogens (i.e. androgen receptor blockers such as cyproterone acetate, chlomadinone acetate, desogestrel, drospirenone, flutamide and spironolactone) or by agents designed to reduce our body's production of androgens by the ovary or adrenal gland, example of this included oral contraceptives, low-dose glucocorticoids, cyproterone acetate, estrogens, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists.

An evaluation of hormones done by an endocrinologist is usually required for women with acne who have proven resistant to conventional acne treatments or if there is a sudden, severe onset of acne. Other cases in which an endocrine evaluation is required:

  • Women with acne who have irregular menstrual periods or increased hair growth in the face and abdomen (called hirsutism, which is generally caused by increased androgens, a common sign of polycystic ovary syndrome);

  • Women who relapse shortly after oral isotretinoin therapy
Hormonal screening tests (such as DHEAS, total testosterone, free testosterone, luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio, prolactin, 17-hydroxyprogesterone) shall involve a physical exam by the doctor and a series of blood tests to measure specific levels of hormones in the blood that are timed to correlate with a certain phase of women menstrual cycle. These tests are designed to help us pinpoint the source of our increased androgen production so that appropriate therapy can be instituted. It is no surprise to know that though women with acne are more likely to have abnormalities in hormonal evaluations than women without acne, however, most women with acne who are evaluated for hormonal abnormalities have androgen levels that are within normal limits.

What is dermabrasion? Is it ideal for acne scars?

It is a process whereby the upper and middle layers of our skin are removed in order to improve our acne scarring condition. However, dermabrasion is ideal for people with the following skin types who have superficial acne scars:

Unexposed Skin Color Tanning History
Ivory white, pale white
Beige or lightly tanned
- Burns easily, never tans
- Burns easily, tans minimally
- Burns moderately, tans evenly
- Burns minimally, tans easily

We have to take into account the healing time involved, and that local anesthetic is a must because dermabrasion is indeed a very painful experience.

If we have very deep, pitted acne scars then dermabrasion is not an ideal solution as the scars would end up deep and wide and would most likely be more obvious than before. In this case, the best acne skin care treatment for this type of acne scars is either we try to fill them with some temporary fillers, such as collagen (i.e. the main protein in connective tissue that is responsible for the elasticity of our skin and plays an important role in the development of scars) or Restylane, or with one of the more permanent fillers available on the market like Artecoll. Alternatively is to use a method called punch grafting, a technique that use a cookie-cutter type of blade to punch out the scar, and then followed by adding skin taken from another site to fill in the hole, and thereafter with dermabrasion to smooth the edges.

Are chemical peels safe?

From the acne clear and acne care perspective, it is safe if done properly and can be done along with a topical or oral acne regimen to achieve better acne treatment results.

In fact, chemical peels have become an increasingly popular option for us to treat acne and to minimize scarring from acne. There are several different solutions available for chemical peels, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Common peeling agents shall include α-hydroxy acids (or glycolic acid), salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. Among them, salicylic acid which is fat soluble does have anti-inflammatory effects and may penetrate into those sebum-heavy follicles more easily than the water-soluble α-hydroxy acids. On top of that, there is usually more active peeling after a salicylic acid treatment than with glycolic acid. Hence, many consider salicylic acid as a very useful peeling agent in the treatment of acne.

As for trichloroacetic acid which can be used in strengths from 5% to approximately 20%, is generally a more active peeling agent for achieving a superficial peel. Because the strength of the peel does varies depending on how it is applied, and with the possibility of some risk of scarring associated with deeper penetration of trichloroacetic acid, as such this treatment should be done by a qualified dermatologist.

Light chemical peels is generally useful to help correct our surface scarring and hyperpigmentation (i.e. darkening of skin resulting from higher amounts of melanin in a particular spot). Although the light chemical peels do not penetrate beyond the upper layers of our skin, its light or superficial chemical peel may cause our skin to stay red for a few hours before returning to normal. It is considered unusual to have blisters or areas of bleeding after a superficial chemical peel and we should have no obvious peeling of the skin after the treatment.

What is electrocautery?

Electrocautery is the use of an electric current that is converted into heat and passed through a fine tip in the treatment of acne.

It works by directly applying the heat to the acne lesion that exfoliates the skin and kills the bacteria. It also sometimes used to open our whiteheads (i.e. a type of acne lesion, are white bumps in our skin that are closed to the skin surface. Also called closed comedo) for the contents to be extracted in order to clear the lesion (i.e. a mark in the skin). Nevertheless, there exists a risk of scarring from this treatment that explained why it is not being considered as a main treatment for acne and is not often used.

Is cryotherapy right for me? Is it good to treat acne?

Basically, cryotherapy involves the use of liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide slush to treat our acne. These procedures are useful, but the drawback is that they require special storage containers and are becoming less popular and uncommon as newer acne treatments procedures are being available. Despite this, people do love the way their skin looks after the treatments, though there is a risk of scarring.

Cryotherapy works by exfoliating the localized areas of our skin where the pimples are concentrated. It is noted that liquid nitrogen is very cold, i.e. 195° F, which means that it needs to be stored in a special container as it can evaporate at room temperature. In general, both the liquid nitrogen and CO2 slush are applied by the doctor to specific pimples. The after treatment result is that the site can easily turn red and become a little swollen, which lasts anywhere from half an hour to a day. What followed is that we will find our pimple dries up and exfoliates off with washing over the next few days or so. Sometimes a very light layer of the cryogen can be applied to our entire face for a general peel. What was noted is that our skin will usually turns red, follows by peeling over the next week. However, the peeling process is not an obvious peeling of our skin, but the skin does look smoother and feel softer to the touch.

What is microdermabrasion? Do they really work for my acne?

Microdermabrasion works by using fine crystals blasted at the skin and then vacuumed back away from the skin. These two components help to temporarily clean out the pores, and make our skin feel smoother. Through this, the upper layers of our skin are exfoliated off, this helps to provide other acne treatments to penetrate more evenly.

In general, a series of five to seven microdermabrasion treatments are done in order to get optimal acne treatment results. This shall follow by maintenance treatments every 6 to 8 weeks. It is noted that no comprehensive studies exist showing the benefits of microdermabrasion, nevertheless, people who undergoes for microdermabrasion do suggest that it does help to improve their acne condition.

What laser and light treatments are available to treat my acne?

Laser stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." Laser energy can be provided by various sources, i.e. from a gas to a liquid to a solid.

These energy sources allow for specific wavelengths of light to be intensified and directed through a column to our sebaceous gland (i.e. oil-producing grand located in the deeper layers of our skin, and are attached to the hair follicles. The oil produced can travel up the follicle to end up on the surface of our skin) or melanin high up or deeper in or within our skin. Also, it can target water in the skin or various components of blood vessels within our skin. In short, it works to heat and damage the skin in a very specific ways without damaging the surrounding skin tissue, hence in the process of healing our skin will look clear and healthy, i.e. without acne or broken blood vessels or brown spots or even wrinkles. Studies have shown that the longer the wavelength, the deeper the light will penetrate. Additionally, there are specific elements in our skin that prefer certain wavelengths of light.

On the other hand, intense pulsed light devices are similar to lasers with the exception that they use a wider range of wavelengths as opposed to only one single beam of light. From the acne clear and acne care point of views, this is very useful as it helps us to target our source within a range of light.

What was noted is that, CO2 lasers were used to heat water within our skin in the past, however, this method is not perfect as it would cause destruction of the upper layers of our skin and sometimes may go even deeper. Usually, a 2 to 3 months’ healing time is quite common, after which there could still be redness for months, and then areas of our skin could appear darker or lighter than the adjacent skin. This treatment is not recommended for the treatment of active acne, or for those within 6 months of taking oral isotretinoin, nevertheless, it is still being used to treat certain types of acne scarring.

The advances in technology have made newer acne devices more effective and specific to target the source of our acne, and within a broader context without damaging the surrounding skin, i.e. the sebaceous gland, the P. acnes bacterium (i.e. short for Propionibacterium acnes, a bacterium that grows and flourishes under certain condition and is the main culprit for inflammatory acne), or the blood vessels that supply the swelling and redness. Additionally, those acne treatments can be done over time without limiting the activities of the person being treated. In short, the newer acne devices are more accessible and more useful in the treatment of many skin conditions, and caused less painful experience than the earlier devices.

It was learnt that the FDA has approved several lasers and light systems for the treatment of acne. Basically, they are designed to treat inflammatory acne associated with the active growth of P. acnes, and are not effective if we have only blackheads (i.e. also called open comedo, is a type of acne that does not contain active bacteria. Is the result of the follicle that have turned black after exposure to oxygen) or whiteheads (i.e. white bumps in our skin that are closed to the the surface. Is a type of acne lesion, also called closed comedo).

Listed below are the laser and other related procedures for reference:


  • OmniLux - blue light
  • OmniLux Revive - red light
  • Smoothbeam - is a diode laser that used to treat both acne and depressed scars caused by acne. This laser emits energy at 1450-nm. Statistics showed 6 months remission of acne lesions after treatment.
  • Aura (KTP - green light)
  • CoolTouch - is a 1320-nm laser system that is used for back acne and acne scars. CoolTouch works by targeting the sebaceous glands without damaging our skin's surface.
  • Nlite-V - a 585-nm pulsed dye laser that is used for moderate inflammatory acne on the face. Nlite-V emits a wavelength of yellow light that heats our small blood vessels, as well as encouraging the healing and stimulating the collagen (i.e. protein that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and plays an important role in the development of scars) production.
  • CO2 - will heat up larger areas of our skin and can have a significant amount of healing or down time associated with them. It is used to treat certain types of acne scars that are not very deep, and also commonly used to treat signs of sun damage and wrinkles.
  • Erbium - as in CO2.
Intense pulsed light
  • ClearLight - is the first device to get clearance from the FDA for the treatment of acne. It is used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne (i.e. a class of acne where the main lesions are papules and pustules but not comedones). ClearLight works by targeting the bacterium P. acnes by using high intensity light to excite specific elements of P. acnes and to destroy them without harming the surrounding tissue.
Light-emitting diodes
  • OmniLux Blue - a new type of system that uses light-emitting diodes in the visible spectrum at 415-nm and is used to treat mild to moderate inflammatory acne, and that treatment are generally well tolerated.
Radiofrequency (is produced by an electrical current instead of a light source and can penetrate more deeply through our skin. It is safer because it is not scattered by tissue or absorbed by melanin.)
  • Aurora
  • Pulsed dye therapy

What we could say about the trend ahead is that advances in technology will sure help in better understanding our acne clear and acne care needs, and to expand their uses in very specific ways for us to better manage to have an acne free complexion.

Can I do laser treatments while I am on oral or topical acne treatments?

We may not aware that laser and intense pulsed light treatment are often best to combine with other, i.e. mostly topical acne treatments for maximum acne treatment results. (Topical means a product that is used on our skin, such as a lotion, cream or gel)

When the laser procedures are completed, we should continue with the usual maintenance acne therapy, i.e. topical acne treatment to prevent the recurrence of the acne. However, we should stop to use retinoids (i.e. products that are generally in the vitamin A family) for 4 to 5 days before a laser or intense pulsed light treatment and then restart again 3 to 4 days after the treatment.

For other acne medications such as topical antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide (i.e. an antiseptic that is commonly used topically to treat acne, and is widely used as it does not induce bacterial resistance), and depending on our skin sensitivity, we may stop for 1 to 2 days around the procedure. From the acne clear and acne care perspective, it is advisable to review all of our acne medications with our doctor prior to any laser or intense pulsed light procedure in order to determine our level of sensitivity.

How many acne treatments do I need from those procedures done in the doctor’s office? How long does it take to see the results?

Studies have shown that the number of acne treatment sessions required to achieve satisfactory results will depend on the system used and the severity of our acne at the start of the treatment. We also need to follow-up with the maintenance acne treatments in order to minimize future acne flare-ups.

The results from the laser or intense pulsed light treatments can occur from 1 day to 1 month after starting the treatment.

Am I a good candidate for laser acne therapy if I have darker skin type?

As we may or may not know that acne is quite a common concern in people with darker skin. In fact, lasers have been avoided for acne treatment for those with darker skin because of the risk of potentially disfiguring complications such as acne scarring, keloids, and skin discoloration.

However, the advances in technology today have made laser treatments for acne safer for those with darker skin types. For instance, there are some acne treatments, i.e. using both lasers and intense pulsed light devices that are being tested and have shown encouraging results for acne on the face and on the chest and back for those with darker skin. It is important to note that as with other skin types, maintenance acne treatments such as by using retinoids, topical acne antibiotics, and benzoyl peroxide, are usually needed to minimize the recurrence of acne.

It was reported that lasers and intense pulsed light devices that are being used to treat acne for this purpose, i.e. in people with darker skin included:

  • ClearLight (blue: 405 to 420-nm);
  • Aura laser (532-nm KTP laser, green light); and
  • Aurora (an intense pulsed light/radiofrequency kind of combination device)

News on Adult Women Acne

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has revealed that women continue to suffer from acne well beyond their teenage years.

The researchers involved had surveyed a total of 1,013 men and women aged 20 years and above to determine the prevalence of acne after adolescence or new adult-onset acne. They found that for every age group following the teenage group, the reported incidence of acne was significantly higher among women than men, with 50.9% of women and 42.5% of men experiencing acne in their 20s. During their 40s, 26.3% of women and 12% of men had acne, while in those above 50, 15.3% of women and 7.3% of men reported having acne. Of the pre-menopausal women surveyed, 62.2% noted that their acne gets worse around the time of menstruation.

The study concluded that women are more prone to acne as adults than men.

What is photodynamic acne therapy? How does it work to help my acne?

Photodynamic therapy, is a relatively new acne treatment that uses a combination of a drug called 5-amino levulinic acid (ALA) and blue light or mixed blue and red light for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. This is in contrast to those older ultraviolet light acne treatments that are kwown to provide only transient improvement, added to that the prolonged use of especially of ultraviolet A, may worsen those with comedonal acne (i.e. mostly blackheads and whiteheads). Also, the increased risk of skin cancer and photoaging makes the older ultraviolet light acne treatments even a less desirable acne therapy.

What the dermatologist does is to apply the 5-amino levulinic acid to the affected areas for about 15 to 30 minutes, this followed by using either a pulsed light device or pulsed dye laser to activate the areas where the 5-amino levulinic acid was applied. The results have shown that it is great for those with severe forms of acne condition. It is learnt that photodynamic therapy are also being used to treat certain types of skin cancer.

Remember 10 health news throughout 2009

News about the health of the world was never finished. The number of discoveries of new diseases and new drugs do a lot of reasons for research scientists.
Throughout 2009 and there are several cases of medical findings that could be a polemic and public attention. Starting from is mothers who gave birth to eight babies to stir the death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
Any health is news of interest to the public? The following commentary was quoted as saying by WebMD. Starting from the first rank:

1. Swine Flu Virus Deadly specter
Top health stories this year begins on April 21, then at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to investigate a series of new flu viruses in humans. It is feared H1N1 virus will spread rapidly throughout the world.
This virus could eventually become frightening specter in the United States. In fact, Barack Obama, President of the United States, must make the decision to close schools in some states of the United States only to prevent the virus developing.

2: Health Reform
Health sector reform became a major issue in the United States. Many of the changes in the health sector needs to be changed to better protect the interests of the United States that has been neglected. Current legislation on health reform is still drawn.

3. Products Containing Peanut Butter Salmonella
In early 2009, Minnesota health investigators to connect a mysterious salmonella infection with peanut products. After it was found that all products, ranging from ice cream to dog food, the possibility of bringing peanuts that have been contaminated with salmonella. Results count mentioning 3.919 withdrawn from the market products, causing 714 cases of illness in 46 states and caused at least 9 deaths.
This case also had a chance to make some peanut butter factory closed because of continued losses, because the peanut butter did not sell.

4. Due to the death of Michael Jackson propofol
Surprised world with the death of King of Pop Michael Jackson. Propofol acute toxicity is expressed as the cause of death. Sedatives were prescribed by a private physician Michael to help him sleep.
Michael's death as a murder accused, but have not filed criminal charges. Until now, this case is not clear whether Michael Jackson was drug toxicity or deliberately killed.

5. Death Due to Cancer Fawcet Farah
After Michael Jackson, celebrity world again with the news of death on the scene actress Farrah Fawcet died at age 62 from cancer anal (rectal). The actress is famous by the TV series Charlie's Angels. In addition to the death of Farah Fawcet actor Patrick Swayze pancreatic cancer is also the public interest.

6. Screening mammograms Controversy
Could is due to debate a statement the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to conduct a routine mammogram in women aged 50 with average risk. These recommendations previously denied suggestions that states the examination begins early breast cancer at age 40. When starting the examination was postponed due to losses such as radiation exposure, one diagnosis, handling of excess and psychological harm is considered greater than the benefits. These changes have a lot of criticism from other medical groups.

7. Problems Acetaminophen
News of acetaminophen, the active ingredients in Tylenol, warm discussed in 2009. News mentions that the 56.000 cases of visits to emergency rooms each year triggered by excessive use of acetaminophen, so that the drug regulatory authority and American food (FDA) recommends reducing the dose for adults.
Every person declared excess acetaminophen is easy because many drugs sold in pharmacies and flu medications, allergies, headaches and arthritis are prescribed, contain acetaminophen.

8. Lower fat Chocolate for Weight Loss.
You can lose 4.5 pounds of fat every year without exercising, if the brown fat in your body is activated. Researchers continue to find ways to make brown fat in the body become more active.

9. AIDS Vaccine Progress
In experiments involving 16.000 men and women of Thailand, an HIV vaccine showed little progress in protecting from AIDS virus infection. The researchers hope will be more success with other vaccines.

10. Octomom
Decision Nadya Suleman, to transfer 6 embryos into her womb as she has had six babies through the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) became controversial. Many doctors and even her mother, Angela Solomon, raised objections. But she, feeling fit and chose to continue his decision.
The story of women from California who successfully gave birth to eight babies, because two embryos (six embryos diimplan) separately, it became a crowded debate in 2009.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 found unsure fish not only prevents heart disease and blood vessel, but may even help to treat it. The conclusion was supported a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published in August, involving four experiments with nearly 40,000 participants who showed the benefits of omega-3 in the early prevention of heart disease and blood vessel, the treatment after a heart attack and, last, in patients with heart failure. The study cites epidemiological evidence that shows that people like the Asian and Alaskan Eskimos, the food-rich fish oil, have little heart disease events and veins. Many people know that omega-3 is very good, and the ingredients are in foods that are healthy or nutritious.

They didn't realize there was such data, so a lot data from large studies, it wasn't only prevent but also be helpful in the treatment of conditions such irregular pulse and fast on the cardiac muscle fibers in experimental heart attack, atherosclerosis - the disease because the accumulation of plaque inside blood vessels, and heart failure. American Heart Association has adopted the intake of omega-3, from fish or supplements, and suggests a certain amount of consumption of omega-3 per day for people at large, while the larger intake recommended for people who have heart disease.

Therefore, now you no more need to bother considering a variety of foods. Because is now been found in Omega 3 Fatty Acids that can help your health. Omega 3 fatty acids arena certain type of unsaturated fat that the body needs but can't produce on its own; therefore it must be obtained from food. The three main types of Omega 3 fatty acids that are integral to the body's metabolism are a-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (ELA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Get order now at To obtain more elaborate information visit their site immediately.

Improve Your Weight Loss - Boost Your Metabolism

By Jenny S Jones

A lot of people look at weight loss in the wrong way; they believe that if they suppress their appetite they will lose weight. People might spend a lot of money on fat blockers or burners and these may help to some degree but will generally not cure the cause of the problem.
As we go through our lives, our bodies are exposed to all kinds of toxins and poisons. These can be from cigarette smoke, pollution and even an unhealthy diet. As our bodies build up bad toxins and poisons our metabolism begins to slow down. This is one reason why younger people tend to have a quicker metabolism.
What Does The Metabolism Do?
Our metabolism is the process of burning the fat from our meals and turning it into energy. If this slows down then our body does not digest the fat as quickly and this results in storing more fat.
The best option would be to give our metabolism a boost by removing the bad toxins and poisons. This can be done by giving the body a detox, this removes the toxins and allows our metabolism to increase. This will then burn more fat and will aid in weight loss and general health.
What Can I Use To Detox My Body?
There are several different types of products; the current recommended product is Acai Berries. These berries have been all of over the media, as they have many antioxidants that are designed to detox the body and give your metabolism a boost.
It is however important to ensure that the Acai Berry product you use, is going to work for you. Therefore I would recommend reading review of the top Acai Berry products.
Learn more about Acai and how the Acai Berry can help improve your weight loss and your general health.
Make sure you do not get fooled by products that do not contain pure acai. Find reviews of the very best Acai Berry products
Article Source:

How to Lose 3-5 lbs of Weight Per Week

By Adel Smith

Losing weight is not easy, exercise and healthy diets work but sometimes you need some extra help to kick start your weight loss. Diet supplements have been successfully used by hundreds of thousands of dieters to reduce their weight to their desired size.
The true fact is though not all diet pills will work for you. Some supplements are simply inferior products that contain ingredients that have not been proven. Even those slimming aids that do work may not be simply be suitable for you. So how can you decide?
Types of Slimming pills
Dieting supplements mostly fall into three categories:
1) Fat binders - These work to reduce the amount of fat absorbed during each meal, typically between 25 - 30% of your dietary fat
2) Appetite suppressants - Often considering the one of the best ways to reduce weight because your control your level of consumption by reducing your desire and cravings for food
3) Fat burners - These tend to be stimulants that raise your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories during the day
Choosing the right diet pill for you
By looking at the types of slimming supplements above you can quickly decide the one that most suits you.
For example, if you find you are constantly snacking during meals (an easy way to consume empty calories) then an appetite suppressant will probably work better for you. Then again if you simply cannot reduce the amount of fat in your meals then a fat binder could be considered. There is nothing to stop you combining a fat binder with an appetite suppressant either - as long as the products are clinically proven and have no reported side effects.
To lose weight quickly and safely try a clinically proven diet supplement that has no reported side effects. Remember, you can lose between 3-5lbs and reach your desired weight with the right diet pill.
We review the best diet pills on the market and discover the most effective for safe and natural weight loss. Learn how to lose weight with the top diet pills to reach your desired weight, safely and quickly.
Article Source:

3 Reasons We Stop Exercising and How to Avoid Them

If there’s one thing about exercise that I really hate, it’s that it’s not a one-time wonder that helps you keep your weight down forever. Don’t get me wrong here - I do love exercise and the high that it brings, not to mention the fact that it helps me tone and sculpt my body, but what gets my goat is that every time I am forced to take a break from exercising, when I do start up again, it’s like beginning from scratch, especially if the break is longer than planned.
When you stop exercising, you tend to put on weight because you don’t reduce the amount of food you eat, especially if you’re on vacation and doing nothing but eating and relaxing. So the best thing to do is to identify the reasons you stop exercising, and avoid them as much as possible or at least learn to beat them once in a while. If you think about it, the most common reasons we stop working out are:

  • Illness: No matter how much you want to, you can’t continue with your workout program when you’re ill. Your body refuses to move and you feel like spending all day in bed. Moreover, it’s not wise to exercise when you’re down with a cold, fever or any other illness. While you cannot control when you fall ill and what disease you get, what you can do is boost your immune system by eating the right kinds of food that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. You could also concentrate on getting better by resting and taking your medication instead of taxing your body and prolonging your stay in bed.
  • Vacations: Who doesn’t need them? They’re how we unwind, relax and rejuvenate ourselves so that we can come back and work harder than before. But if you’re following a regular exercise routine, there’s nothing like a vacation to kill your resolve and make you lazier when you return. For one, you spend your time relaxing, eating and sleeping. And for another, when you return, you don’t feel like resuming your regular activities because it means you’ve got to acknowledge that vacation is over and that it’s back to the grind. If you’re serious about your workout program and about maintain your weight, you could make your vacation a little more active. Take walks along the beach or go for a swim in your hotel’s pool. Get involved in adventurous and sporty activities that keep you active. And even before you get back, start psyching yourself mentally to get back to your workout the day after you’re back.
  • Deadlines at work: Another reason most of us skip exercise is if we’re overworked and need to use all the waking time we have to catch up on work and meet looming deadlines. While these situations could potentially be avoided by not putting off for the morrow what we can do today, there are times when you cannot control circumstances. One way to get around this obstacle to exercise is to steal 10 minutes at a time twice or thrice a day in which you could do squats, lunges, leg lifts or any other exercise that is powerful and which does not take time.
So there you have it; no matter what your reasons are for not exercising, you know that if there’s a will, there will be a way.
This post is contributed by Shannon Wills, who writes on the topic of x ray tech schools . She welcomes you comments at her email id:

Herbalife Personal Care

As we all know that from Herbalife always been popular with health products and the products of weight loss, but do you know that they provide beauty products, too? Make certain that you'll look prettier if you use natural cosmetics and beauty products from them. Because if you're a woman, I'm sure that you know the cosmetic products are best for you. Therefore, make certain you choose Herbalife Kosmetik, which must be the right choice.

Currently Herbalife Beauty products are easy to find in many countries because the products are distributed through a multilevel marketing network. Then you will be able to join and try to extraordinary business to get a double benefit: By using their products and earn money.

Make sure to try the product for the treatment of the body, there are several products of high quality products to choose from. Then there have the foot-care products, skin care products, and more. One other thing that has now to that made your perfume so fragrant and makes you looks perfect all day.

To get a line more information about their products, please you will be able to see this website: There, you will be able to read the explanation of their cosmetic products so you'll know the benefits you'll get. With carefully read to know which product to choose. Make sure now to make people impressed with you by applying a natural Beauty Products.

Santa Claus lifestyle is not healthy

Santa Claus, the old grandfather figure who always loved to give gifts during Christmas celebrations comes. But, Santa Claus was also number one enemy to health. As reported by Health Day from the BMJ, Dr Nathan Grills from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia believes the latest image of Santa that is obese, drunk driving, speeding, and other lifestyle was not healthy. In a journal he wrote, Grills Christmas display related issues. This journal is like an ironic investigation report. Grills may not be completely serious about what he wrote, but at least he also provides healthy alternative foods for consideration. For example, Santa Claus Grills suggested dividing the carrots and celery leaves to Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer owned. The Instead of fattening snacks to share. Furthermore, Grills advised people who celebrate Christmas to walk or ride bicycles instead of traveling with a high-speed car that could be dangerous. "Santa just need to affect your health by 0.1 percent to destroy the lives of millions of people," he wrote in the journal Grills. Grills argue, Santa can change the world by raising awareness about the health of people. Grills noted, many associated with the Santa unhealthy products, such as soft drinks, and often appears with pipe in hand. In some countries, people are leaving the place of brandy for Santa. In the fact, dangerous if drunk is while driving. Furthermore, Grills think also about the children who sat next to Santa. What would happen if gay parents were cough, which can spread the disease in children? "Do not be so uncomfortable holiday?," Thought Grills.

Beautiful and slim style french women

You may find the French woman's favorite menus, with the custom of eating a large croissant cheese and chocolate for dessert. Although the solid fat foods, the average size of the French woman's body is still slim and looks chic in her outfit anything.

This fact may raise many questions within you. How? The secret is quite simple. French women love to enjoy food in a way to relax while talking.

According to Paul Rozin, Ph.D., professor of Psychology University of Pennsylvania, eating foods like that lead to faster satiety. Conversely, eating fast food make your stomach work gain weight because food intake has not completely crushed by the teeth and digestive system. In addition, the incoming calories, too much more.

Well, here are some tips for you to enjoy a leisurely meal as a French woman:

1. do not eat while doing something else, such as watching television. Because these habits we tend to add cause meals.

2. Chew food until smooth. Before feeding the food again, make sure the food in the mouth has been swallowed up perfectly.

3. Play slow music to accompany your eating activity. Mild strains of rhythm help us to eat slowly.

Green walnuts reduce the risk of lung cancer

Regular consumption of pistachio (green walnuts) are believed to reduce the risk of lung cancer and other malignancies.Based on the research the University Of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, green walnuts are rich in vitamin E known as gamma-tocopherol. Vitamin E is known to provide protection against some types of cancer. Intake of high gamma-tocopherol could reduce the risk of breast cancer," explained Ladia M. Hernandez, a researcher, as quoted by AP.

Green walnuts, added Hernandez, one of the good nuts to you, and two ounces per day can be incorporated into the diet to reduce the risk of breast cancer without causing significant changes in body mass index. Other food sources are also rich in gamma-tocopherol, including peanuts, pecans, walnuts (a type of pecan), soybeans, and corn oil.      
In this study, the researchers involved 36 participants. A total of 18 were asked to consume 68 grams (about two ounces or 117 seeds) of green walnuts a day for four weeks and 18 people (as a control group) did not add green walnuts in their normal diet.

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Yawn good for health and orgasm

You are sleepy? You'll yawn with your mouth wide open. Because is the sleep always identified with the yawn. Yawn is not always interpreted with sleepy condition. People's yawn because it was her lack of oxygen. With a yawn, we inhale oxygen as much as possible through the mouth in order to meet the shortage of oxygen in the body. Expert neuroscientis, Andrew Newberg, director of The Center for Spirituality and the Mind of the University of Pennsylvania said, yawn is one of the secrets of health.

"If you want to have a healthy brain, it is important to yawn," said Newberg. Evaporated, according to the rhythm of Newberg will stimulate the nerves in certain areas of the brain and regulate brain temperature and metabolism. The whole of this function will enhance muscle control, increased sensuality, and even overcome jet lag. Therefore he suggested that we yawn at least 10 times each day. Apart from giving a positive impact on the brain, yawn also makes the body more relaxed. "Yawn is more effective than meditation to improve cognitive function," said Newberg.

Research also shows yawn will stimulate the brain to function on a sense of empathy and social awareness. Yawn also helps regulate the body's biological clock. When we're tired, yawn is a signal that we will be resting or sleeping. Meanwhile, according to the exposure Joan Liebmann-Smith, Ph.D. and Jacqueline Nardi Egan through health article titled Body Sign, How to Be Your Own Diagnostic Detective, people yawn for various reasons, but it evaporates too does not always mean sleepy.

Scientists believe that yawn can help a person become more alert to immediately enter into the brain of oxygen. Since yawn is a sign of the amount of oxygen in the brain is decreased which can make a person difficult to concentrate. Yawning actually help regulate body temperature. With so happens the evaporated raise blood pressure and heart rate. Sometimes too much evaporated from the reaction of radiation therapy for cancer and consumption of such drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Another important fact, almost all vertebrate creatures was always yawn. Even the human fetus began to yawn when I was 11 weeks.

Uniquely some overseas patients admitted that every time they yawned their way through a spontaneous orgasm. One woman even became very good at feeling the yawn orgasm. Function evaporated with muscle stretching before exercise, which facilitate blood flow and heart rate. Not only humans are yawn, animals also like to open her mouth wide and yawned. Usually the animal will evaporate before eating or when going to fight. Yawn is also highly contagious. So, when he saw a friend evaporates, the reflex also will infect someone nearby. With a yawn signifies the brain was getting ready to change positions.

Even babies who are in the womb will evaporate before changing positions in his mother's stomach. According to the researchers, yawn is also related to a child's intelligence level.

Yawn can occur because:


In less intake of glucose, brain metabolism is reduced. The brain is the organ most voracious of glucose and oxygen consumption. The reduced intake of glucose, then indirectly reduce oxygen consumption by the brain.


The use of energy to work automatically requires oxygen as fuel (oxidation). In addition to the much needed oxygen, the oxidation also raises oxidants which should be discarded. If stacking, it will interfere with blood circulation. Yawn helps provide for the less oxygen it.

High air pressure

At very high areas, high air pressure will cause the lungs difficult to take the air. If no previous exercise, then this will be very dangerous, for example on the plane, jet, etc...

Cold air

At lower temperatures, the body will maintain an average temperature of the body (36, 5-37, 1 degrees Celsius) in a way to burn fat. This allows the body does not fall into the cold conditions. If this is fails, assisted with jackets, blankets, and sweaters or other.

The process of improving fat metabolism requires more oxygen, and additional food intake. Not surprisingly, in cold regions, we will more quickly hungry, yawn, and drowsiness.

Narrow Room

Poorly ventilated. In air-conditioned room, we tend to close all the vents so the cold air that we can enjoy. And in this way actually reduces air circulation, reducing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide content. Make sure the room has exhaust-fan. If not, open your windows.

Good news for men

There has good news for the men in the whole world that Penis Extenders are en-mode current. They are so popular many people have tried to repeat this tool at home. With the testimony of one member said: "so easily does not always mean safe. Because it can be most easily is the rope tied around your head and your feet are bound to you or to some other parts that felt a bit heavy, but it was not safe in the least. 'And again: "Easiest in my eyes is sticking your penis in a vacuum cleaner for several hours. Although is they not safe and not recommended.

Therefore the present has become one of the best online service that would come through easier for you to know all the information you may need to know about Penis Stretcher device, they have a lot of reviews and articles about the best penis enlargement, you said it to have the Best Penis Extender device, and then what are you waiting for? Visit and see them now, I'm sure you will be satisfied with their service.

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Anemia drug doubled the risk of stroke and heart

Beware, the use of anemia drugs were able to double the risk of stroke in patients with diabetes and kidney disease. Based on the quote is that was launched from HealthDay. Research by Women's Hospital in Boston, darbepoetin alfa, a drug designed to fight anemia was double the risk of stroke in patients with diabetes and kidney disease without increasing the patient's quality of life. Drugs are marketed under the name Aranesp, the frequently prescribed in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease and mild anemia.

"The benefits expected from these drugs are smaller than the risks. The discovery of new is evidence for physicians and patients in making considerations. There is the perception that treating anemia will make patients feel better so they decided to take the risk. But its usefulness in improving the quality of life is not for we think, even doubling your risk of stroke, "said study leader Dr Marc A Pfeffer. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers included more than 4000 participants with diabetes, chronic kidney disease and anemia. They were randomly assigned to Aranesp or placebo (contains no Aranesp).

During the study, more patients who received Aranesp died or suffer from cardiovascular disorders (632), compared 602 patients who received placebo. In addition, 101 patients using Aranesp had a stroke, both fatal and nonfatal compared with those in 53 patients receiving placebo. In addition, patients who is received Aranesp to report only a slight reduction in the level of fatigue. This discovery, according to professor of medicine at the University of Toronto Dr. Phillip Marsden, indicating if the doctors and patients should discuss what should or should not use the drug. "For most patients, improved quality of life caused by these drugs is not enough to compensate for increased risk of stroke and death it caused," said Marsden.

Routine meditation reduce heart attack risk

Believed meditation techniques can reduce the risk of heart attacks in people with significant cardiovascular disease. Based on the research results were presented at a scientific meeting, American Heart Association in Orlando, Florida, cardiovascular disease demonstrated that practicing meditation technique, transcendental meditation in particular decreased risk of heart attack, stroke and even death by half compared with patients who did not perform meditation. Transcendental meditation was first introduced in India in 1955 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This technique is done in a sitting position calm and concentration to focus the mind while saying a mantra. Stress is considered a major factor in cardiovascular disease is believed to be resolved with this meditation technique.

More than nine years, 201 male and female African - Americans on average age 59 years, who suffered a heart artery narrowing, were included in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups, i.e. groups who practice transcendental meditation and group health education classes taken by implementing a diet and exercise patterns. In the meditation group, they were asked to do meditation in a sitting position with eyes closed about 20 minutes twice a day. Both groups also continued their normal treatment as usual.

Researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee in collaboration with the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, found that heart attack, stroke and death was reduced by 47% in the group of patients who did meditation. Their blood pressure and also decreased significantly reduce stress levels. "Previous research on transcendental meditation showed a reduction in blood pressure, stress, and other risk factors in heart disease, regardless of the ethnicity factor," said Dr. Robert Schneider, chief research leader of the Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention. These results, he said, became the first clinical trial showing that long-term exercise on stress reduction programs, pressing the incidence of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack, stroke, and death.

Sms habits and the computer type neck pain caused

Repeated actions taken by human fingers on the buttons on mobile phones can cause interference that previous chronic pain experienced by people of many types. The possibility that the relationship caused great concern considering how many teenagers and young adults, and more and more people in the ranks of the profession recently typed text, "said Judith Gold of Temple University in Philadelphia, who made the first study on the potential relationship. Typing text messages is a relatively new technology, says Gold, so today is a new era of research for those who study economics.

But are the relationship between the wrist channel syndrome, bursitis, and tendon for office workers and others who spend most of their day typing obvious. And given the similarity in body position, the findings from research into the wounds caused by excessive computer use can be applied to the text typing action. How to position the body is to type the text - back and shoulders motionless while the fingers move quickly - a position similar to typing on a computer, "Gold explained as reported LiveScience senior writer, Andrea Thompson, the network

Previous research has found regarding pain in the elbow too much thumb-typing text. Case reports from doctors also refer to the individual conditions of tendonitis, and Blackberry texting thumb. There is show that something was going on, "said Gold to Livescience. For seeking a broader relationship between typing text and chronic pain, Gold and his colleagues sent a questionnaire to 138 students asking them to report the number of text messages they sent each day - in four categories: 0, 1-10, 11-20, 21 + messages - and convey that they feel disturbances in the body map.

The study shows the relationship between the number of text messages sent per day and shoulder discomfort. The impact seemed specially delivered by a man, although Gold said he did not know why happen like that. What have we seen so far are very similar to what we see on office workers who spend most of their time at the computer, "said Gold. However, the study did not mention Gold is also the amount of time spent on the people surveyed to type in computers, conditions that can affect the results.

Gold said that further research is needed to determine the use of computers and confirm the relationship of pain due to typing text. There is a new problem and I think it has not taken a final decision, "he said. Gold Findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, held in mid November Philadelphia.

Electronic Cigarette

Currently as we all know that smokers realize that smoking is not a good habit, but most of them do not have a good way to stop. Then most of them also do not try to do anything. Because they think that smoking is one part of the activities of their daily. Then there are also many smokers have done much to stop smoking, but all in vain. I do not know why you said it they had started smoking. Therefore there are many reasons why they smoked, but now the experts and those who care about health, has succeeded in creating innovative products to replace traditional cigarette. Because these are products are not like traditional cigarettes because it does not have tar, ash, and materials harmful to smokers and those around the smoker. Because this is the e-cigarette, the Electronic Cigarette and the e-cigarette is a solution for heavy smokers who did not successfully quit smoking after a lot of things done.

We make certain with that e-cigarettes are now so popular in many countries, and there are many brand names produced. Then if you are interested in using these innovative cigarettes, please visit their site. Because they are provide e-cigarette at low prices. Also know the benefits why you should use the Tip Electronic Smoke on the site. You are will health and very happy with their products.

WHO certification swine flu vaccine

London - World Health Organization (WHO) issued a certification for a swine flu vaccine. The vaccine is issued by the drug company GlaxoSmithKline.

Certification provided by the WHO, the vaccine is available for the donors. They were allowed to buy vaccines and distribute them to developing countries.

In a statement issued today, GlaxoSmithKline PLC said the WHO has agreed that a Canadian vaccine. Approval was given after they do an audit on the quality and data security.

The vaccine contains adjutants, i.e., a chemical compound to increase the body's immune system. The vaccine is believed to reduce the swine flu that almost makes the panic in world society.

Last month, Glaxo health authorities recommend not using one of the swine flu vaccine was made in Canada if it can present side effects that threaten human life as anaphylactic shock.

A number of vaccine makers, previously had pledged 156 million boxes of swine flu vaccine to WHO. They even hoped to be able to start shipping to the 95 poorest countries this month.

WHO certification swine flu vaccine

London - World Health Organization (WHO) issued a certification for a swine flu vaccine. The vaccine is issued by the drug company GlaxoSmithKline.

Certification provided by the WHO, the vaccine is available for the donors. They were allowed to buy vaccines and distribute them to developing countries.

In a statement issued today, GlaxoSmithKline PLC said the WHO has agreed that a Canadian vaccine. Approval was given after they do an audit on the quality and data security.

The vaccine contains adjutants, i.e., a chemical compound to increase the body's immune system. The vaccine is believed to reduce the swine flu that almost makes the panic in world society.

Last month, Glaxo health authorities recommend not using one of the swine flu vaccine was made in Canada if it can present side effects that threaten human life as anaphylactic shock.

A number of vaccine makers, previously had pledged 156 million boxes of swine flu vaccine to WHO. They even hoped to be able to start shipping to the 95 poorest countries this month.

Graduation Invitations

Graduation is the most euphoric, but also the saddest event all told your college. This is the happiest moment you because you've done again one stage of your life and is now headed to a future. One thing is the most mis fortunate because you will say goodbye to your friends that you share so much fun for a couple of years. Because is that the reason why you make a very special Graduation Invitations and sentimental.
At the time walking in wearing robes and receives a diploma plus medals and awards are the greatest reward that hard works can students. Surely you will be able to not deny that you really feel sad when you know that can not pass this year. But you will be very happy because I know God has a purpose and a plan for us. You would really hope that can accept this invitation graduation this year. All my friends will be pleased and happy with their graduation. Maybe they can bring out some of the best online invitation. One thing that I liked is the special design ceramic graduation photo studio.

Secrets get great run

If you ever feel sluggish, achy, or winded when you run, surprise: The culprit is likely your posture. The right body alignment is the key to an efficient, injury-free, and fun workout. Follow our head-to-toe tips for conquering the top three posture mistakes, and you’ll climbs on with ease.

Slumped shoulders.
They slow you down and restrict breathing.
The fix: Think tall. If you start to slouch, take a deep breath (you’ll feel yourself straighten naturally) and roll your shoulders back. Stack your head, shoulders, hips, and feet so they’re aligned. And look ahead toward the horizon; your gaze will help you stay upright.

Stiff arms.
Keeping them motionless prevents them from doing their job-propelling you forward-and saps precious energy.
The fix: Bend your elbows to 90 degrees, and tense and release your shoulders, arms, and hands to relax. Swing your arms like pendulums forward and backward from your shoulders, not side to side across your body.

Over striding.
Big steps can slow you down and cause injury.
The fix: Increase your stride rate and improve your efficiency by taking shorter steps more quickly, making a point your feet are directly under your hips (versus call at front of them) when they hit the pavement. Work at this a few times during each run.

Drinking ice water can make suet

Many things are about the diet that was mere gossip. That drinking iced water can make fat, for example. This turned out to be a myth, because eating cold foods and drinks can actually make your body burn more calories. It's just not much difference than if we eat a room-temperature water. According are Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, CNS, director and founder of the UPMC Weight Management Center, Pittsburgh.

This was also confirmed by Dr. John C. Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK. He explains, our bodies adopted a law called the law thermodynamic. Meaning: To raise the temperature of 1 gram of water to 1 degree Celsius, it takes 1 calorie. This law is in line with research that says, if you drink 6 glasses of ice water every day, then your metabolism will increase. The number of calories burned added 10, so the weight can we remove approximately 0.5 kg in 1 year.

The resulting increase in metabolism is not so significant. However, there's nothing wrong if we drink ice water, so far no extra calories, such as from sugar. This will optimize the process of burning calories in the body.

Spa Samui Resort

With a variety of activities every day, we all know that most of you're very tired, physically and emotionally exhausted ascribable excess work load with the busy schedule and personal problems. Therefore the complex so live they are now normal. If we'd a very stressful, so the choice for a vacation is the best and perfect treatment. Because this is really another experience if occasionally temporarily remove themselves from the usual environment. This will be the best decision when you consider to try to enjoy the thailand retreats.

Because is only in Thailand, you'll find a place affording privacy or peace and quiet where you will be able to change your health mentally and physically with a luxury vacation. Because is this an absolute protection because the resort include a rest center for healing traditions such yoga, meditation, and renewal programs. Then physically are updated through major detox services. Make certain that this is a process of cleansing the large intestine removed all the poison and waste products accumulate in your body thus clearing the entire body. With this is a drug for quick weight loss, makes skin soft and glowing eyes. This is what you it is called here as samui detox, an effective program to detoxify the body to eliminate excess weight and improve health and freshness of the body.

Make certain you also to try koh samui detox, because it all natural, no drugs or surgery to cleanse your body and give with afresh beginning. With the professional conduct and remove dirt irrigation things that produce toxins and toxic products in the body. Really effective and makes you feel and look younger and refreshed after your holiday.

Electronic Cigarette

Currently as we all know that smokers realize that smoking is not a good habit, but most of them do not have a good way to stop. Then most of them also do not try to do anything. Because they think that smoking is one part of the activities of their daily. Then there are also manysmokers have done much to stop smoking, but all in vain. I do not know why you said it they had started smoking. Therefore there are many reasons why they smoked, but now the experts and those who care abouthealth , has succeeded in creating innovative products to replace traditional cigarette. Because these are products are not like traditional cigarettes because it does not have tar, ash, and materials harmful tosmokers and those around the smoker. Because this is the e-cigarette, the Electronic Cigarette and the e-cigarette is a solution for heavy smokers who did not successfully quit smoking after a lot of things done.

We make certain with that e-cigarettes are now so popular in many countries, and there are many brand names produced. Then if you are interested in using these innovative cigarettes, please visit their site. Because they are provide e-cigarette at low prices. Also know the benefits why you should use the Tip Electronic Smoke on the site. You are willhealth and very happy with their products.

Sms habits and the computer type neck pain caused

Repeated actions taken by human fingers on the buttons on mobile phones can cause interference that previous chronic pain experienced by people of many types. The possibility that the relationship caused great concern considering how many teenagers and young adults, and more and more people in the ranks of the profession recently typed text, "said Judith Gold of Temple University in Philadelphia, who made the first study on the potential relationship. Typing text messages is a relatively new technology, says Gold, so today is a new era of research for those who study economics.

But are the relationship between the wrist channel syndrome, bursitis, and tendon for office workers and others who spend most of their day typing obvious. And given the similarity in body position, the findings from research into the wounds caused by excessive computer use can be applied to the text typing action. How to position the body is to type the text - back and shoulders motionless while the fingers move quickly - a position similar to typing on a computer, "Gold explained as reported LiveScience senior writer, Andrea Thompson, the network

Previous research has found regarding pain in the elbow too much thumb-typing text. Case reports from doctors also refer to the individual conditions of tendonitis, and Blackberry texting thumb. There is show that something was going on, "said Gold to Livescience. For seeking a broaderrelationship between typing text and chronic pain, Gold and his colleagues sent a questionnaire to 138 students asking them to report the number of text messages they sent each day - in four categories: 0, 1-10, 11-20, 21 + messages - and convey that they feel disturbances in the body map.

The study shows the relationship between the number of text messages sent per day and shoulder discomfort. The impact seemed specially delivered by a man, although Gold said he did not know why happen like that. What have we seen so far are very similar to what we see on office workers who spend most of their time at the computer, "said Gold. However, the study did not mention Gold is also the amount of time spent on the people surveyed to type in computers, conditions that can affect the results.

Gold said that further research is needed to determine the use of computers and confirm the relationship of pain due to typing text. There is a new problem and I think it has not taken a final decision, "he said. Gold Findings presented at the annual meeting of the American PublicHealth Association, held in mid November Philadelphia.

Electronic cigar

The question right now is, whether you are a smoker and trying to stop? While are you may find it difficult to quit smoking because many people have experienced day in and day out. Because according to the news that you have read all the time many ways to quit smoking, but most smokers find it difficult to quit smoking even though they've done a lot. Therefore is that the real people who have been smoking will become addicted, and it seems it would be difficult to stop. Therefore, you must have the desire and effort even harder to quit smoking.

According to a study taken is from various sources that smoking isn't a good habit because it can be very dangerous for health. There are so many diseases caused by smoking such as lung cancer and heart attacks. Therefore, if you're a smoker, I suggest you to stop smoking. However, if you will be able to not stop it, E-Cigarette may be a solution to a very real and right for you. For it isn't attending be dangerous to your health because there is no tar, nicotine, and hazardous materials other. Electronic cigar now been produced widely around the world with many brands. Veppo Electronic Cigar is among them. For more information please visit in

New way of relax... Dare to try?

Feel stress or muscle tense? Ya, sometimes face in front of PC, really free that the shoulder are so stiff. But do you dare to try this new way of relaxation?

Guess I rather go for massage than this.

Volcano vaporizer

Today I would like to talk of areas that are not usually associated with the Volcano vaporizer, but where the volcano will still put to use. Its gastronomy! Yes you heard me right. Chef at the restaurant is using the ability to control the Volcano vaporizer for applying heat to herbs to get the desired flavor in their food. Volcano vaporizer, but also used in a particular field of expertise called cooking or molecular cooking molecular gastronomy. Now you perhaps wondering what are molecular gastronomy. In the purest sense of the word, molecular gastronomy is a science involving the study of physical and chemical processes that occur in cooking.

The Classic Volcano herbal vaporizer can be used for aromatherapy in addition to as a safer alternative to traditional smoking. Genus Can is also being wont to help you quit smoking. It can also be wont to heat scented herbs and oils to add aroma to a room, like scented candles. According to recent magazine article, the chef even was using theVolcano vaporizer to add aroma of food. Release incensing smoking or materials through heat but the temperature is reached through combustion which has several weaknesses. Smoking involves the combustion, incensing the carbonization of plant material, followed by inhalation can't be avoided by toxic combustion products, which causes irritation of the respiratory tract and the toxic smell. To boot, hotness’s and uncontrolled burning cause unnecessary damage to the majority of ingredients, squandering the original material without vaporizer Classic effect. Volcano this system can be used as an herbal vaporizer as a safer alternative to smoking. And with 3 to 4 times greater delivery of active ingredients when compared with smoking, an investment in the Volcano invites itself in the shortest time isn't otherwise maybe. Yawn spices, ingredients are released in a gentle way and therefore you enjoy thehealth benefits and economic benefits. Plant materials are not burned and therefore they are possible to vaporize the contents fill the room several times until all the aroma and ingredients completely dissolved.
Vapor Genie pipe which dramatically safer and more ready to hand to use than a conventional combustion pipe. This mixture of herbal vaporizer you or tobacco isn't burning them, which greatly reduces the tar and particle inhalation. Vapor Genie evaporated gently heating the pipe so you don't burn. Tar and toxic smoke are greatly diminished. Vapor Genie pipe that provides super-smooth vapor. There are coughing or burning throat. It feels like you're inhaling warm, taste the air.

Ugg boots

From the beginning till now we all know that the shoes are always a fashion statement for all people, especially for women. For day-to-day activities of different shoes you will be able to wear different course and if you want to attend the various events you may not wear as is shoes in every event. Because those of course you will have more than one pair of shoes because you'll wear different shoes when you go to work, to parties, to the garden, shoes, etc. will also differ based on manufacturing and material, and so you will be able to customize your shoes with a wide range of models and color that you like in accordance with the actual time to use it.

Thus we have seen together so no need to explain all about the shoes because you may be more knowledgeable about than when I was .by the way when looking over the net, I found So I make a point now to tell you where you will be able to find on the Internet's largest store to buy ugg boots. So wait not to mention, make certain you visit now their site to see many interesting collections of shoes with a unique model.

Because as a collector of shoes, I also believe that you already know about ugg, so you'll know where you will use to buy it, but let me give you the best information based on my observations. If you need information about the ugg boots sale, please Visit this You will be able to choose from many options there ugg.