Regular consumption of pistachio (green walnuts) are believed to reduce the risk of lung cancer and other malignancies.Based on the research the University Of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, green walnuts are rich in vitamin E known as gamma-tocopherol. Vitamin E is known to provide protection against some types of cancer. Intake of high gamma-tocopherol could reduce the risk of breast cancer," explained Ladia M. Hernandez, a researcher, as quoted by AP.
Green walnuts, added Hernandez, one of the good nuts to you, and two ounces per day can be incorporated into the diet to reduce the risk of breast cancer without causing significant changes in body mass index. Other food sources are also rich in gamma-tocopherol, including peanuts, pecans, walnuts (a type of pecan), soybeans, and corn oil.
In this study, the researchers involved 36 participants. A total of 18 were asked to consume 68 grams (about two ounces or 117 seeds) of green walnuts a day for four weeks and 18 people (as a control group) did not add green walnuts in their normal diet.
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