3 Reasons We Stop Exercising and How to Avoid Them

If there’s one thing about exercise that I really hate, it’s that it’s not a one-time wonder that helps you keep your weight down forever. Don’t get me wrong here - I do love exercise and the high that it brings, not to mention the fact that it helps me tone and sculpt my body, but what gets my goat is that every time I am forced to take a break from exercising, when I do start up again, it’s like beginning from scratch, especially if the break is longer than planned.
When you stop exercising, you tend to put on weight because you don’t reduce the amount of food you eat, especially if you’re on vacation and doing nothing but eating and relaxing. So the best thing to do is to identify the reasons you stop exercising, and avoid them as much as possible or at least learn to beat them once in a while. If you think about it, the most common reasons we stop working out are:

  • Illness: No matter how much you want to, you can’t continue with your workout program when you’re ill. Your body refuses to move and you feel like spending all day in bed. Moreover, it’s not wise to exercise when you’re down with a cold, fever or any other illness. While you cannot control when you fall ill and what disease you get, what you can do is boost your immune system by eating the right kinds of food that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. You could also concentrate on getting better by resting and taking your medication instead of taxing your body and prolonging your stay in bed.
  • Vacations: Who doesn’t need them? They’re how we unwind, relax and rejuvenate ourselves so that we can come back and work harder than before. But if you’re following a regular exercise routine, there’s nothing like a vacation to kill your resolve and make you lazier when you return. For one, you spend your time relaxing, eating and sleeping. And for another, when you return, you don’t feel like resuming your regular activities because it means you’ve got to acknowledge that vacation is over and that it’s back to the grind. If you’re serious about your workout program and about maintain your weight, you could make your vacation a little more active. Take walks along the beach or go for a swim in your hotel’s pool. Get involved in adventurous and sporty activities that keep you active. And even before you get back, start psyching yourself mentally to get back to your workout the day after you’re back.
  • Deadlines at work: Another reason most of us skip exercise is if we’re overworked and need to use all the waking time we have to catch up on work and meet looming deadlines. While these situations could potentially be avoided by not putting off for the morrow what we can do today, there are times when you cannot control circumstances. One way to get around this obstacle to exercise is to steal 10 minutes at a time twice or thrice a day in which you could do squats, lunges, leg lifts or any other exercise that is powerful and which does not take time.
So there you have it; no matter what your reasons are for not exercising, you know that if there’s a will, there will be a way.
This post is contributed by Shannon Wills, who writes on the topic of x ray tech schools . She welcomes you comments at her email id: shannonwills23@gmail.com