Bikram Yoga: The Heat is On!

Iguana doing some yoga stances in the morning.Iguana doing some yoga stances in the morning.
What is Bikram yoga? Are you curious how Bikram yoga is different? If you are, watch the video below and see how Bikram yoga can help you whether you’re interested in it for a cardio exercise as a way for overall wellness or just for plain fun.

Show notes of Intro to Bikram Yoga video

What exactly is Bikram Yoga?

Bikram yoga is a modern version of the ancient technique incorporating a sequence of 26 positions. Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga, recommends practicing yoga in a room heated 37 degrees celcius - which is the normal body temperature -, and daily to get the most out of it. The heated room warms up the body faster thus preventing it from getting injured, of which also promotes deeper stretching. Here are its benefits:
  • Protein is reorganized for optimum function when muscles are stretched promoting circulation
  • Muscles are toned
  • Lympnodes are massaged and drained encouraging the proliferation of white blood cell
  • Red bone marrow production is boosted
Yoga is really good for toning the heart. You’ll especially realize this after one’s workout as it generally feels like you’ve gone through an entire cardiovascular workout. It may be hard at first but you’ll definitely get the hang of it after a few sessions.

10 Tips to have a better Yoga session

A beautiful sunny day - on the beach - for yoga.
A beautiful sunny day - on the beach - for yoga.
It is always important to come prepared whether you’re in a business meeting, a sports game or in an exam. It’s also the same with yoga, you have to be prepared before and during your class. The following article suggests tips to help you have a better yoga session and to get most out of it.

1. Arrive 10 minutes earlier

We wouldn’t want to add stress to your workout would we? We wouldn’t want to be late and be disrupting others once class starts. Spare yourself of that and arrive earlier. You’d also be able to talk to your instructor and say hi to your friends.

2. Eat less before practicing yoga

There is no problem delaying breakfast if you practice yoga in the morning since it is better to practice yoga on an empty stomach. But if you have a busy work schedule and take an evening class then this might cause a little problem. Eat something light at least 2 hours before your yoga session so by the time your class starts your stomach would be empty. It’s just uncomfortable to move, bend and do yoga with a heavy stomach.

3. Eat Less after practicing yoga

Eating after your morning yoga sessions is understandable since that would be breakfast and it’s the most important meal of the day. But if you’re eating after your evening class, you have to ask yourself these questions:  “Are you really hungry or are you just eating out of habit?” If you answered yes to the former then go ahead and eat something healthy. However, if you answered yes to the latter then you might want to reconsider eating at night. It’s not that healthy anyway to be eating during that time. Diet experts recommend scheduling food intake at least three hours before sleeping.

4. Come in proper Attire

One of the most important parts of your workout is your clothes. They should be comfortable, sweat absorbent and should fit right. It should allow you to have free movement of various body parts and also allow you to move and twist without any trouble.  Yoga will really make you perspire (especially if its Bikram Yoga) and we wouldn’t want to be sticky while in class so choose clothes/fabrics that have DryFit or CoolMax to wick moisture away from the skin. The purpose of having the right fit in what you wear is simply for comfort.

5. Bring the right equipment

Always bring your yoga mat, towel, and a bottle of water. You will sweat a lot and although you may rent a yoga mat and a towel in most yoga class, it would still be more comfortable to have your own. You might also want to bring warm socks if you will be meditating after.

6. Attend a class with an experienced yoga instructor

Watch and listen to your yoga instructor very carefully. After listening to the instructions, your only focus is yourself and nothing else – not the pretty girl in front of you (for guys of course) and definitely not that hot guy in your class. Having an experienced yoga instructor would definitely make things easier for you especially if you’re just a beginner. And the most important part of having a trained one is he/she will teach you the basics and the fundamentals of yoga – something that everyone should know.

7. Listen to your body 

At times we tend to forget that pain is a good thing because it signals your body to stop what you are doing and relax. This is important in yoga and when you feel that your body is strained or you feel dizzy just relax, breathe or sit. Again, remember that your yoga class is not a competition. It’s not about the others but about yourself so go on and listen to your body…only go as far as your body can.

8. Remember your breathing

Yoga is a series of movements and at times we forget that we have to breathe correctly. Whether you’re stretching, reaching or just sitting, it is important to take note of your breathing. When you feel tired or dizzy, just breathe right, by inhaling and exhaling through the nose, and you’ll feel much better.

9. Have a non-competitive yoga attitude

You may be in a yoga class but this is a personal journey and not about showing off. It’s creating more harmony with your body and it is a way of releasing your own toxins and stress. You should remember that you are not in a yoga class to compete with some of the more experienced people but instead you are there to achieve your personal goal whether it is to lose weight, get fit, create harmony with your body or simply to relax your mind.

10. Concentrate on the present and Enjoy

Clear your mind off what the past and don’t look forward to what will happen in the future. Concentrate on the NOW and what you are doing. Enjoy the moment and the effects that yoga is doing to your body.

5 Reasons why Yoga is Good for Kids

'Nuff said.
'Nuff said.
Parents really want what’s best for their children. That is a given. They teach their kids manners and try to give them a good education. But parents don’t only want education constricted in the 4 corners of their classrooms, they want more for their kids. That’s why a great way for their kids to grow and learn more is through yoga, which can help them both physically and mentally.
In this article, I will be sharing with you 5 reasons why yoga for kids can help yours achieve a better mind and body.

1. Increases Flexibility

With the sudden rise of computer games, portable games (PS3, DS, etc), MP3 players, kids these days don’t get to exercise that much anymore. Add this to the stress they get from school and how they’re like a sedentary rock waiting for the bell to ring and we have kids who slowly lose their flexibility.
Kids have always had lots of energy to burn off and by nature they’re very flexible.  We slowly lost that flexibility because of all the sitting (not sit ups), running and firming up we did to our bodies through the years. Having stiff muscles can lead to injuries and other muscle pains. That’s why yoga for kids is good since it will help them keep and increase their flexibilities. As kids, we used to always fall and hurt ourselves and this is something that we don’t want our kids to experience. Although it is good to let them fall and rise up, but this time let it be without any major injuries.

2. Stretches the Imagination

Yoga for kids is different from the yoga for adults. While yoga for adults is more serious, kids’ yoga is more like a “game.” Often times the children pretend to be animals and pose like them. Instructors would create a story based on the animals or a situation and incorporate yoga in it.  Thus, “games” and “role playing,” equals more fun. Let’s say you pose like a frog, a snake, a rabbit or even like a tree. The kids don’t only get to do those poses but they’re also asked to imagine what it feels like to be like those forms. With this, they connect more to nature and divert their attention away from all the stress that they deal with everyday.

3. Improves Focus and Concentration

Kids are easily distracted especially when they feel bored with the things they do. With yoga for kids being more fun, kids can relate more to their kind of yoga and at the same time focus on what they are doing at that moment. Once they’re into this, they can let go of their worries and other distractions. They can also easily adapt and cope with stressors. Let’s take having an exam as an example. The child may use meditation or breathing techniques to help him/her calm down and focus more.

4. Expands learning and Self Discipline

It is known that children learn easily and they adapt and learn a lot through movement. In a 2003 study done by Gaiam, it showed a 20 percent increase in the number of students who felt good about themselves — and a 6 percent increase in classroom discipline scores, indicating that students who had high participation in yoga class also had fewer referrals or discipline problems.
In yoga, the child is given different postures and told to breathe in a certain way. The child learns how to control him/herself to be able achieve those. They are their own masters and they learn more about themselves at a very young age. In addition, if they have that “I can do it” attitude then they will realize that when they learn and control themselves, they can reach their dreams.

5. Experiences Fun in a non-competitive way

Unlike physical sports like basketball and football, yoga for kids is about having fun and not about competing with others. It’s not about whether you are right or wrong in doing a pose. Just as long as the kids learn more about themselves in the process then they have already gained a lot out of yoga. And if you’re looking for teamwork, children can also encourage and help each other in their poses.
Whether you teach your kids yoga or have them enroll in a class, the most important thing for them is to let them have fun. Don’t push them too seriously or your child might not enjoy it. If you feel that they’re not into the class or into the lessons, don’t get mad at them. Yoga might not be for them. Just breathe in and out and do a little yoga yourself. It will be good for you and for your child.

4 Misconceptions about Yoga

See! Men can do yoga too!
See! Men can do yoga too!
When inviting friends - especially guy friends - to join me for yoga, I always hear excuses from them why they can’t go and it inspired me to write something about it. I try to convince them to join but they always say that it’s too hard and they just can’t do it. Well, like any other activity you’ll have a hard time at first but a time will come when you’ll really get the hang of it. Here are some popular misconceptions (excuses from my friends) about yoga:

1. Yoga is for women

Madonna does it. Meg Ryan does it. We see a lot of female students do it. But this does not mean men can’t or isn’t allowed to do it. There are a lot of male celebrities out there who do yoga like Bono, Evander Holyfield, Jerry Seinfeld and even Ricky Martin. We must remember that the main purpose of yoga is searching for inner peace and a healthier body, mind and spirit. Everyone who wants to achieve this should be able to do so regardless of gender.

2. Yoga is only for Contortionists

You don’t have to be that agile or flexible to start doing yoga. One of the goals of yoga is to increase flexibility and avoid injuries in the process. If you’re not an active person or your muscles have not been stretched for so long then yoga will be able to help you in your everyday movements and eventually help you gain flexibility and strength. You will have more freedom in your movements whether you’re at home, at work and even during sports.

3. Yoga poses should all look the same

Everyone has a different body structure and frame and even flexibility. Years of working, toning and walking have made it that way. You don’t have to worry as your pose may look different from others but it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong pose or you’re not practicing yoga. If you’re yoga teacher approaches you and corrects you, he/she just wants you to learn and help you avoid getting injured.

4. Yoga is a sport or a competition

I’ve heard about this being a sport and therefore people compete with others in your class. Well, there are competitions for yoga but once you’re in a class it’s all about yourself and how much union that occurs in your mind, body and spirit. Because there are a lot of physical postures, called Asanas in Sanskrit, people think that this is a sport that is similar to body building. Yes, you will become fit and may lose significant amount of pounds but it these postures are meant for mental, physical and spiritual development. With this, yoga may be a means to have a better production in sports/workout but should still not be considered a sport.
Hope this helps you clear some things about yoga, helping you to get the guys to tag along with you.

Thanks to Sergiu Alistar at Flickr for the interesting shot he took of the photo I captioned “Men can do yoga too!” (here is the original photo). Simply a great shot and definitely good composition. Would be interesting to see the guy-in-the-photo’s reaction when he gets to see what Sergiu Alistar captured.

Celebrities who do Yoga

Much like what Louisa Lampton - the one who shared this photo over Flickr - said, we\'re in love as well. Just wow. Stunning work by Patrick Demanchelier.
Much like what Louisa Lampton - the one who shared this photo over Flickr - said, we're in love as well. Just wow. Stunning work by Patrick Demanchelier.
Who said being a celebrity is easy? I’ve never been one but I guess just like any other person they’d have to deal with stress, work, family, protection, success and failure too. On top of that, their constantly being watched closely by the media. Yes media. No privacy and things always get blown out of proportion. That’s why it’s just hard to blame these celebrities for feeling depressed, turning to sex, drugs and alcohol to solve their problems. Then what’s only shown by the media to the people are the nasty stuff. Despite that I’m happy that some of the celebrities do yoga, probably as a way to relax and use as a form of self-therapy. No matter what their reasons are, I am pretty sure that celebrities are doing yoga because it is helping them become more “balanced” - so to speak. Let’s be proud for these celebrities for looking into yoga for strength…

Gwyneth Paltrow

“I’m really not a morning person at all [on waking up at 4:30 AM to practice yoga]. It’s just sheer determination. I’m very strict with myself. When I practice six days a week and eat clean food, I feel much better.”

Geri Halliwell

Geri Halliwell, together with Posh and Sporty, are in perfect shape. A stunning photo thanks to Tawny Kate-aen's from Flickr.
Geri Halliwell, together with Posh and Sporty, are in perfect shape. A stunning photo thanks to Tawny Kate-aen's from Flickr.
“I’ve run for miles and been on every diet there is… But now, I’m convinced that it has to be an ‘inside job’. I had to get a really healthy mind first… Yoga has taught me that a healthy mind and a healthy body are integrated. It’s all about loving yourself.” [source]

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Whitherspoon has never looked any better than now. Thanks to Sheksays over Flickr.
Reese Whitherspoon has never looked any better than now. Thanks to Sheksays over Flickr.


The immortal Madonna. Thanks to David Shankbone from Flickr for the great capture.
The immortal Madonna. Thanks to David Shankbone from Flickr for the great capture.
“Yoga is a metaphor for life. You have to take it really slowly. You can’t rush. You can’t skip to the next position. You find yourself in very humiliating situations, but you can’t judge yourself. You just have to breathe, and let go. It is a workout for your mind, your body and your soul.” [source]

Halle Berry

I wish she was smiling back at me. Sheesh. Great photo by Digitalshay at Flickr.
I wish she was smiling back at me. Sheesh. Great photo by Digitalshay at Flickr.

Matthew McConaughey

A few more Yoga sessions and we\'d have that body too... hmmm... who are we kidding?! Thanks to LD Cross for the photo over Flickr.
A few more Yoga sessions and we'd have that body too... hmmm... who are we kidding?! Thanks to LD Cross for the photo over Flickr.

Sting and wife Trudy Styler

The man famous for tantra. Sting\'s great capture by Niv Calderon, shared to us by Halitll over Flickr.
The man famous for tantra. Sting's great capture by Niv Calderon, shared to us by Halitll over Flickr.
“It’s reversing the aging process. I can do things with my body now that I wouldn’t even have thought of doing when I was an athlete, a teenager. So that keeps me going. This is something I want to keep doing.” [source]

Jessica Biel

Knowing she\'s doing Yoga makes even more amazing. One of our greatest crushes. Photo courtesy of Maggiejumps over Flickr.
Knowing she's doing Yoga makes even more amazing. One of our greatest crushes. Photo courtesy of Maggiejumps over Flickr.

Jennifer Aniston

Hello Rachelle! Memories of Friends... Thanks to gdcgraphics for the photo!
Hello Rachelle! Memories of Friends... Thanks to gdcgraphics for the photo!
“I was crying through moves. It’s good to get that stuff out. You feel like you’re having a therapy session.” (On yoga helping her mind and body after her breakup with Brad Pitt) [source]

Tobey Maguire

We know now why Spiderman can make those insanely flexible moves. Thanks again to David Shankbone over Flickr.
We know now why Spiderman can make those insanely flexible moves. Thanks again to David Shankbone over Flickr.
“Nah. I like yoga. I’m an ardent vegetarian and a non-party animal.” [source]

Meg Ryan

She really is one of the coolest actresses. Thanks to Pierre Omidyar over Flickr.
She really is one of the coolest actresses. Thanks to Pierre Omidyar over Flickr.
“I do yoga more than I meditate. But even that, it just gets you in this place of being a witness. You’re able to watch with a little less attachment to everything, and it makes the day easier. It takes you out of the place of judgment all the time.” [source]

Russell Simmons

Men can really do Yoga. Thanks to Sean Coon over Flickr.
Men can really do Yoga. Thanks to Sean Coon over Flickr.
“The grace that you get from smiling and breathing in every pose, if you take it off the mat and if you can remember to be connected to your breath, and to move gracefully through life, then that alone is a process that will bring you to enlightenment.” [source]

Yoga defies gravity through AntiGravity Yoga

Antigravity Yoga looks really cool. Reminds me of Cirque du Soleil.
Antigravity Yoga looks really cool. Reminds me of Cirque du Soleil.
I’m sure a lot of you have tried doing Michael Jackson’s anti-gravity dance or have wondered how to levitate like David Blaine. If you have succeeded doing these then good for you! (can you email us too so we can get some tips? :) ) But if you failed maybe that kind of anti-gravity isn’t for you. If you really want to do those things without hurting yourself physically or emotionally, then you might want to give AntiGravity yoga a try and defy gravity.
The AntiGravity Yoga class usually takes 1 hour and combines yoga, dance, pilates, strength training and stretching. The main attraction of this type of yoga is that it uses a hammock suspended from the ceiling and supports you in basic yoga poses and suspension techniques. Once you master the basic postures, you can do advanced inverted poses (as seen in the video below).

Crunch, a gym chain in the US, has partnered with AntiGravity, to create a new workout called AntiGravity Yoga ‘Wings.’ According to their site,
Results of this workout include increased flexibility and strength, better alignment and agility and a creative and fun workout.
This type of yoga was created by Christopher Harrison who was arguably the first person to do a full twisting back flip from a standing position. He is also a gymnast and a Broadway dancer. According to Harrison,
AntiGravity yoga is unique; it is unbelievable for relieving compressed joints and aligning the body from head to toe.
For more information and class schedules, please visit their and if you’re looking for some first hand experience, read the experiences there at
I hope that this enlightens you a bit to go for a more fun, more adventurous and healthier type of anti-gravity activity that’s not just imitating the king of pop.

Office Yoga: Top 5 Yoga Positions for beginners

And we thought we were full. Thanks to Shane Adams for this great capture. He is ishane over Flickr.
And we thought we were full. Thanks to Shane Adams for this great capture. He is ishane over Flickr.
You may be taking a look at this article because you may be experiencing one of the following common office injuries: Muscle strain, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel syndrome or Tendinitis. If you haven’t experienced any of those then good for you and I hope you don’t experience them at any point in your working life. I wish you well but our work just seems to take so much from our body that it will somehow give in sooner than later. We want to avoid this and perform better in our daily jobs right? How?
A great way is by doing basic yoga positions/stretches in the office.
I’m not talking about bringing your yoga mats and yoga clothes. What I suggest is for you to do some of the simple yet very effective yoga positions and stretches for beginners in your office seat. As long as you have some space and the cooperation of your co-workers then you’ll be able to do it (just to make sure that you won’t be disturbing them). Another thing, before doing this is to be careful that your chair doesn’t roll too much while doing these yoga stretches as we don’t want any injuries while doing these basic stretches. Here are my top 5 favorite office yoga stretches:

1. Wrist Stretch

Lift one arm to make it parallel to the ground and have your other hand hold the fingers of the stretched arm. Slowly bend your wrist down until you feel a stretch. Hold for 4 to 6 seconds and relax. Now, change the position of your hand so that your fingers point upward. Do the same to the other hand. Do this for three sets for each hand.
Wrist stretch step 1 - raise one arm parallel to the floor.
Wrist stretch step 1 - raise one arm parallel to the floor.
Wrist stretch step 2 - bend your hand pointing downward.
Wrist stretch step 2 - bend your hand pointing to the direction of the floor.
Wrist stretch step 3 - now, bend your hand pointing upward.
Wrist stretch step 3 - now, bend your hand pointing upward.

2. Shoulder Shrugs

Put your hands at the side of your waist and breathe naturally through your nose while clearing your mind of anything. As you inhale, lift your shoulders to your ears then exhale as you completely lower your shoulders. Do this 7-10 times and you may do shoulder rolls (forward and backward) after.
Shoulder shrugs step 1 - relax your shoulders in an upright, relaxed natural position.
Shoulder shrugs step 1 - relax your shoulders in an upright, relaxed natural position.
Shoulder shrugs step 2 - raise your shoulders to your ears, then repeat step 1.
Shoulder shrugs step 2 - raise your shoulders to your ears, then repeat step 1.

3. Neck Side Bends

While sitting or standing, move your head towards your right shoulder. Try to let your ear touch your shoulder as you do this. Keep your shoulders down and steady. Hold for 3-4 seconds and do this on to the other side as well. Three sets each will do.
Neck side bends step 1 - relax your shoulders in an upright position.
Neck side bends step 1 - relax your shoulders in an upright position.
Neck side bends step 2 - move your head towards your right shoulder.
Neck side bends step 2 - move your head towards your right shoulder.
Neck side bends step 2 - now, move your head towards your left shoulder. Go back to step 1 and repeat.
Neck side bends step 2 - now, move your head towards your left shoulder. Go back to step 1 and repeat.

4. Ankle Stretch

While seated, place your right knee on top of your left knee as if doing a crossed leg sit. Now, move your ankles in a clockwise motion for 8-10 seconds and reverse after. Do this for three sets and do it to the other ankle.
Ankle stretch 1 - sit in a cross leg position.
Ankle stretch 1 - sit in a cross leg position.
Ankle stretch 2 - rotate your foot in a clockwise motion.
Ankle stretch 2 - rotate your foot in a clockwise motion.
Ankle stretch 3 - now, rotate your foot in a counter-clockwise motion. Then repeat for your opposite leg.
Ankle stretch 3 - now, rotate your foot in a counter-clockwise motion. Then repeat for your opposite leg.

5. Spine Stretch

Sit at the edge of the seat - in a comfortable position - and relax your arms at your side while taking deep breaths. Slowly place your chin to your chest and bend forward, one vertebra at a time to make a concave posture. Try to put your head between your legs and try to touch the floor while breathing slowly. Be sure that you are comfortable doing this. Get up slowly so as not to feel dizzy and relax and take deep breaths. Hold each position for 8 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.
Spine stretch step 1 - sit on the edge of a seat in an upright, relaxed position.
Spine stretch step 1 - sit on the edge of a seat in an upright, relaxed position.
Spine stretch step 2 - place your chin to your chest.
Spine stretch step 2 - place your chin to your chest.
Spine stretch step 3 - bend forward, one vertebra at a time to make a concave posture.
Spine stretch step 3 - bend forward, one vertebra at a time to make a concave posture.
Spine stretch step 4 - Try to put your head between your legs and try to touch the floor while breathing slowly. Get up slowly as well and repeat step 1.
Spine stretch step 4 - Try to put your head between your legs and try to touch the floor while breathing slowly. Get up slowly as well and repeat steps 1.
If you do feel any pain doing these exercises, please STOP immediately and consult your office nurse/health care provider.
This should help release tension in your whole body as we tackle the neck, shoulders, spine (back), ankles (legs) and arms. Hopefully, with these Yoga Positions for beginners - of which all are very doable in today’s modern offices - you’ll feel better and rejuvenated to be your best at work right now. If ever you feel tired just remember to breathe in and out. You’re doing great!

Yoga for beginners: Tips on what food to eat for yoga

If we had that table-top set up, we'd be eating fruits all day. Thank you to Paul Keleher over Flickr for this aesthetically beautiful shot.
If we had that table-top set up, we'd be eating fruits all day. Thank you to Paul Keleher over Flickr for this aesthetically beautiful shot.
I’ve heard people complain about the food they’ve eaten before going to class has affected their yoga session. Whether it’s because of the food causing some acid reflux or the food feeling “heavy” while doing yoga, I realized that it is probably more of what you eat than when you eat. You may have been strict eating two hours before your yoga session - as the usual recommendation interval before doing any physical activity - but have you been really conscious of what you eat? If I decide to do yoga in the morning but my daily morning routine includes a cup of hot brewed coffee, does it mean I can drink? These are just some of the questions that I intend to help you with.
Here are some tips in helping you have a better yoga class by being smarter with what you’re eating before your yoga class.

1. Don’t eat these food that cause acid reflux!

Have you ever felt the food you’ve just eaten try and come up to your esophagus? Then that’s acid reflux. Foods that cause acid reflux are chocolate, coffee, spearmint, alcoholic drinks, onions, citrus fruit juice, spicy foods, caffeinated drinks.  We wouldn’t want to have the taste of coffee or caffeinated drinks when we’re bending or stretching. If you have to, make sure you eat at least 3 hours before your yoga session.

2. Avoid heavy foods like meats, fried foods, processed foods and pasta.

These are just filling and take long to digest. Complex carbohydrates and protein, fatty and oily, chemical-rich foods are stuff that will surely slow you down for a worthwhile yoga session. Instead, go for…

3. Fruits and vegetables.

These aren’t just easy to digest but they’re good for you. Fruits and vegetables that provide the bodies essential vitamins and nutrients, together with yoga is a perfect combination!

4. Listen to your body

Everyone’s body is unique. These rules may apply to others and might not apply to some. It is better to practice yoga on an empty stomach but we wouldn’t want you to lose concentration because you haven’t eaten anything for 6 hours or so.
Yoga is about breathing, stretching and creating “balance”. Hope that this “balance” does not only occur in your body and mind but also in your diet. Find that balance between feeling good and feeling hungry before your yoga session. Eat smart and train hard everyone!

Yoga New Year’s Resolution for Yogis

Happy new year to all! One of the few great evening, fireworks shots. If you\'re a photographer, you know it\'s difficult to get this shot. Photo by Jon Rawlinson at Flickr.
Happy new year to all! One of the few great evening, fireworks shots. If you're a photographer, you know it's difficult to get this shot. Photo by Jon Rawlinson at Flickr.
Let me first greet everyone a happy new year. It’s 2009 and I’m sure you’ve somehow done or at least thought about what you want to bring in this new year right? In other words, what’s the new you for 2009? What are things you can improve on and things you can forget and leave in 2008? If you’re having a hard time thinking about it, here are some yoga new year’s resolution for yogis like you. 

I will try out yoga

So this is for people who haven’t tried yoga but have been debating on whether or not to attend a class. We all know yoga helps our body, mind and soul so go ahead! Try something new this year and let that be yoga. You won’t regret it.

I will practice yoga regularly

For people who occassionally attend yoga classes, I hope you find more time to attend. We all know it’s good for you and if you’re paying a monthly fee, it would really be a better feeling on your wallet if you maximize your membership.

I will watch my diet

About one in five people eat to manage stress over the holidays, according to Katherine Nordal, executive director for professional practice, American Psychological Association. Christmas feast is now over and it’s back to getting fit. To be able to practice yoga we need to also watch our diet especially before practicing.

I will have enough sleep

Getting around seven to eight hours of sleep will do wonders for our body. Sleeping early will be very beneficial if you want to practice yoga in the morning. It will help you wake up on time to attend your classes.

Creating this article made us curious on who really stands by their New Year’s resolutions or even cares about pursuing one. If you guys would like to share, please vote on our Poll of the Month on the middle column of this page. Thanks and Happy New Year!

5 Reasons why you should be doing Yoga now

Definitely an awe-inspiring place to conduct your Yoga session. Thanks to Lachlan Hardy at Flickr for sharing this photo under the Creative Commons.
Definitely an awe-inspiring place to conduct your Yoga session. Thanks to Lachlan Hardy at Flickr for sharing this photo under the Creative Commons.
Still feeling heavy from the day’s work? Or are you always feeling lazy or have no self esteem? That sounds like a bit of an advertisement but my point is you might need to change your lifestyle. May it be in what you are eating or how long you’re sleeping the most important thing is you need something different. That’s why I suggest you do try yoga. Yoga can do wonders to yourself and a lot of people have felt the effects of it. You could be one of them if you start acting now. Let me convince you with 5 reasons why you should start the 2009 with yoga.

1. For a healthier you

A healthier mind, body and soul. During yoga you increase your focus and concentration. You also tone your muscles and help improve your balance. Apparently, yoga can also help manage chronic health conditions. According to
The breathing and relaxation methods used in yoga might help you if you have asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, low back pain, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis of the knees or memory problems. Yoga can also be helpful when combined with other treatments for heart disease and high blood pressure. Yoga, when combined with a vegetarian diet, aerobic exercise and medication, has reduced cardiovascular disease rates and blood pressure levels. However, yoga is not a substitute for traditional medical care and treatment.

2. For a better self esteem

You’re tired and down right now. Yoga can help by lifting your spirits up and knowing more about yourself. With the class’ non-competitive and individualistic atmosphere, you tend to focus more on yourself than how you can help the person right next to you, thus making you more aware of your body’s capabilities, with its strengths and limitations. Your realized strengths make you proud of yourself, and your limitations you try to constantly improve on. Plus, you’ll lose weight! That’s a good thing right?

3. To be more productive

Yoga or any exercise will give you more energy to work and play with your kids. By learning how to relax through yoga, you take away the tensions in your body. These tensions are what makes you tired and without them you could do more. Yoga also increases and eases blood circulation in your body. Without the feeling of a lack in energy that comes from a clogged circulation, you’ll be ready to do more things in your life.

4. To meet new friends

You will definitely widen your circle of friends and who knows, you might meet someone you like. Since, yoga classes usually attract people who have concern for the improvement of their health, hence beautiful benefits to how their bodies look. With a lot of good-looking yoga-practitioners out there who are definitely ready to mingle, meeting new friends and possibly potential dates are surely some of Yoga’s greatest benefits.

To improve your sex life

So I got you here huh? According to Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, a sex educator and relationship expert, “It can transform your sex life at its very core.” Here are her nine ways. Definitely a must read.
You’re reasons may not be in this list but whatever they are I hope you do get up and sign up for yoga. You can do it! This is the new you.