5 Reasons why Yoga is Good for Kids

'Nuff said.
'Nuff said.
Parents really want what’s best for their children. That is a given. They teach their kids manners and try to give them a good education. But parents don’t only want education constricted in the 4 corners of their classrooms, they want more for their kids. That’s why a great way for their kids to grow and learn more is through yoga, which can help them both physically and mentally.
In this article, I will be sharing with you 5 reasons why yoga for kids can help yours achieve a better mind and body.

1. Increases Flexibility

With the sudden rise of computer games, portable games (PS3, DS, etc), MP3 players, kids these days don’t get to exercise that much anymore. Add this to the stress they get from school and how they’re like a sedentary rock waiting for the bell to ring and we have kids who slowly lose their flexibility.
Kids have always had lots of energy to burn off and by nature they’re very flexible.  We slowly lost that flexibility because of all the sitting (not sit ups), running and firming up we did to our bodies through the years. Having stiff muscles can lead to injuries and other muscle pains. That’s why yoga for kids is good since it will help them keep and increase their flexibilities. As kids, we used to always fall and hurt ourselves and this is something that we don’t want our kids to experience. Although it is good to let them fall and rise up, but this time let it be without any major injuries.

2. Stretches the Imagination

Yoga for kids is different from the yoga for adults. While yoga for adults is more serious, kids’ yoga is more like a “game.” Often times the children pretend to be animals and pose like them. Instructors would create a story based on the animals or a situation and incorporate yoga in it.  Thus, “games” and “role playing,” equals more fun. Let’s say you pose like a frog, a snake, a rabbit or even like a tree. The kids don’t only get to do those poses but they’re also asked to imagine what it feels like to be like those forms. With this, they connect more to nature and divert their attention away from all the stress that they deal with everyday.

3. Improves Focus and Concentration

Kids are easily distracted especially when they feel bored with the things they do. With yoga for kids being more fun, kids can relate more to their kind of yoga and at the same time focus on what they are doing at that moment. Once they’re into this, they can let go of their worries and other distractions. They can also easily adapt and cope with stressors. Let’s take having an exam as an example. The child may use meditation or breathing techniques to help him/her calm down and focus more.

4. Expands learning and Self Discipline

It is known that children learn easily and they adapt and learn a lot through movement. In a 2003 study done by Gaiam, it showed a 20 percent increase in the number of students who felt good about themselves — and a 6 percent increase in classroom discipline scores, indicating that students who had high participation in yoga class also had fewer referrals or discipline problems.
In yoga, the child is given different postures and told to breathe in a certain way. The child learns how to control him/herself to be able achieve those. They are their own masters and they learn more about themselves at a very young age. In addition, if they have that “I can do it” attitude then they will realize that when they learn and control themselves, they can reach their dreams.

5. Experiences Fun in a non-competitive way

Unlike physical sports like basketball and football, yoga for kids is about having fun and not about competing with others. It’s not about whether you are right or wrong in doing a pose. Just as long as the kids learn more about themselves in the process then they have already gained a lot out of yoga. And if you’re looking for teamwork, children can also encourage and help each other in their poses.
Whether you teach your kids yoga or have them enroll in a class, the most important thing for them is to let them have fun. Don’t push them too seriously or your child might not enjoy it. If you feel that they’re not into the class or into the lessons, don’t get mad at them. Yoga might not be for them. Just breathe in and out and do a little yoga yourself. It will be good for you and for your child.