I’m sure a lot of you have tried doing Michael Jackson’s anti-gravity dance or have wondered how to levitate like David Blaine. If you have succeeded doing these then good for you! (can you email us too so we can get some tips? ) But if you failed maybe that kind of anti-gravity isn’t for you. If you really want to do those things without hurting yourself physically or emotionally, then you might want to give AntiGravity yoga a try and defy gravity.
The AntiGravity Yoga class usually takes 1 hour and combines yoga, dance, pilates, strength training and stretching. The main attraction of this type of yoga is that it uses a hammock suspended from the ceiling and supports you in basic yoga poses and suspension techniques. Once you master the basic postures, you can do advanced inverted poses (as seen in the video below).
Crunch, a gym chain in the US, has partnered with AntiGravity, to create a new workout called AntiGravity Yoga ‘Wings.’ According to their site,
Results of this workout include increased flexibility and strength, better alignment and agility and a creative and fun workout.This type of yoga was created by Christopher Harrison who was arguably the first person to do a full twisting back flip from a standing position. He is also a gymnast and a Broadway dancer. According to Harrison,
AntiGravity yoga is unique; it is unbelievable for relieving compressed joints and aligning the body from head to toe.For more information and class schedules, please visit their www.crunch.com and if you’re looking for some first hand experience, read the experiences there at www.fitsugar.com.
I hope that this enlightens you a bit to go for a more fun, more adventurous and healthier type of anti-gravity activity that’s not just imitating the king of pop.
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