There has been research that has demonstrated the dangers of smoking on the lungs, the heart and other bodily systems for decades. Are you one of the thousands of consumers that is still lighting up despite the warnings from health care professionals and the impending health risks that are created when you light up a cigarette? If you haven’t thought about quitting before, here are some reasons that you should kick the habit for good:
- You are teaching your children a bad habit. Whenever your children see you lighting up a cigarette they are under the impression that this behavior is okay. Do you really want to raise your children as smokers?
- Children do as you do, not as you say. When your children see you lighting up a cigarette they associated this with okay behavior.
- You are increasing your insurance premiums for health and life insurance. Both of these premiums can double in comparison between smokers and non smokers. You are literally throwing your money away on cigarettes while throwing your money away on extra insurance costs.
- Smoking speeds up the state of mental decline and can increase the time in which one develops diseases that are commonly associated with aging, like Alzheimer’s disease.
- Mothers that have smoked through the duration of the pregnancy increase the instances of SIDS and even double the risk of SIDS in infants.
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