Five Asthma-Fighting Foods

OnionsAccording to Jonny Bowden, Ph.D, in his book The Healthiest Meals on Earth, these five foods will help you “win the fight against asthma.”
1. Salmon. Omega-3 fats found here are anti-inflammatory. You can also try flaxseeds and sardines.
2. Spinach and kale. High in magnesium, these foods will help boost the lower levels of magnesium found in asthmatics. Magnesium relaxes the muscles, and getting more could help calm the upper respiratory muscles that tend to spasm with asthma.
3. Red peppers. The vitamin C will help reduce the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. People with asthma also tend to have lower levels of vitamin A, in which department red peppers can also be of aid.
4. Chinese cabbage. It’s a great source of vitamin B6, which “appears to help correct abnormalities in metabolism frequently found in asthmatics.” Also a great stress-buster, vitamin B6 can do the rest of us some good, too. Also try: bananas, garbanzo beans, and chicken.
5. Onions. Also anti-inflammatory, onions may also relax the bronchial passageways. Caution: personal chef and food coach Lisa Turner warns that raw and pickled onions might asthma attacks in a small number of sensitive people.