Morning sickness avoid breast cancer

Women, who used to have nausea vomiting in early pregnancy or morning sickness, have a lower risk of breast cancer. Based on the research the University of Buffalo, U.S., women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy will have a lower risk of breast cancer later in life. The research was published in the annual meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research. The researchers conducted interviews of 1001 women aged 35-79 years newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
Meanwhile, are as many other women to 1917 respondents in the control group? Of several disorders of pregnancy are common in pregnant women, such as high blood pressure, pre-eklamsia, increased weight gain to diabetes, had no effect on the incidence of breast cancer.
In contrast with the symptoms of morning sickness, such as nausea, lethargy, and vomiting associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer by 30%. The level of symptoms and duration of a pregnant woman experiencing morning sickness symptoms will be increasingly expected to reduce the risk of these cancers.
Although these results are good news for pregnant women who were experiencing morning sickness, but remember research team that this research is an epidemiological study so the results can not be over-interpreted, such as quoted by AP.