Gynecomastia Treatment in Beverly Hills- New, Minimal Invasive Technique of Male Breast Removal Reduction

Treatment of Gynecomastia in Beverly Hills is a common part of many plastic surgeons’ practices. Removal of overgrown male breast tissue by plastic surgeons in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills varies in technique and effectiveness.

The most prevalent technique for Gynecomastia treatment in Beverly Hills has been the direct excision of male breast tissue through an incision at the periphery of the areola. This scar is often noticeable when a young man takes off his shirt, which become a source of embarrassment is the gym.

Gynecomastia Treatment- Male Breast ReductionDr. Younai has devised a new technique for the treatment of Gynecomastia in Beverly Hills. In this new method, most of the fatty breast tissue is first liposuctioned via small puncture wounds in the arm pit and the outer chest. This removes about 90% of the breast volume. The remainder of the male breast tissue, which is fibrous, is then removed through a small incision in the areola. With special minimal invasive tools the remaining breast gland is cut into smaller pieces that can be removed through this very small incision. This incision is closed with just two stitches and the patient is sent home in a compression chest garment.
Gynecomastia Treatment- Male Breast Reduction
The superficial liposuction technique used in this novel Gynecomastia treatment causes the loose breast skin to shrink by more than 90-95%. In this fashion, there is often no need to remove excess skin and therefore no visible chest scars. In only about 5-10% of patients, Dr. Younai finds the need to remove excess skin at a later time, via a small peri-areolar incision. This innovative method of Gynecomastia treatment eliminates the noticeable chest scars that are the tale-tell sign of male breast tissue removal.

Dr. Younai is a Board certified plastic surgeon who receives patients at the California Center for Plastic Surgery from the Northern as well as the Southern California region. Some of these cities are Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.