Don't underestimate dehydration

Almost 75 per cent of the total human body weight is fluid. Everything is perfectly distributed throughout the body. If only a few percent decrease, the impact could be fatal.

Lack of fluids or dehydration occurs when fluid is released the body exceeds the incoming fluid. Of course, the mechanism of human body maintains a very dynamic man to avoid the lack of fluids.

When the balance of fluids in the body is begins to interfere, such as thirst will appear. Body then produces an anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) to reduce the production of urine in the kidneys. The goal is to keep the fluid out not much. Well, the water we drink is generally sufficient to replace fluids lost during normal activities such as breathing, sweating, urinating, or defecating.

Dehydration caused most certain conditions. For example diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, and diabetes, or excessive sweating, and not immediately replace it with a drink.

When dehydrated, the body was not only losing water, but also loses electrolytes and glucose. No wonder the body will immediately respond to initial dehydration (loss of about 2 percent of body fluids). Beginning was the feeling extremely thirsty. Dry mouth and tongue, saliva goes down. Urine production was decreased.

If the water loss increased to 3-4 percent of body weight, decrease your body's performance problems. Body temperature becomes hot and rises, usually followed by fever. The body becomes very uncomfortable. Loss of appetite, dry and flushed skin, and nausea appeared.

When the fluids lost 5 percent-6 percent of body weight, increased pulse rate, heart rate becomes rapid. Respiratory frequency was also higher, breathing so hard. What happened next was a decrease of concentration, headache, nausea, and feeling extremely sleepy.

Loss of body fluids 10 percent-15 percent can cause the muscles become stiff, wrinkled skin, vision problems, urination disorders, and disorders of consciousness. And if it reaches more than 15 percent will result in multi-organ failure and death.

How to treat?

The main principle of treatment of dehydration is the replacement of fluids. This fluid replacement can be a lot of drinking. If a way to drink fails, then the income is intravenous fluids. The decision to use intravenous fluids depends on the patient's condition based on the doctor's examination.

The success of treatment of dehydration can be seen from the production of urine. The use of drugs needed to treat disease is the cause of dehydration such as diarrhea, vomiting, and others. Patients with diarrhea and vomiting can be given early treatment to prevent losing more fluid. These drugs are primarily to relieve symptoms that occur. Febrifuge may be given to lower body temperature.

The patient is given a drink as much as possible by the gradual, but the frequency increased. If the above measures the symptoms of dehydration do not improve or get worse, immediately to the nearest hospital for further treatment.