Chest Fat Burner - Upper Chest Exercise Program For Huge Pecs

By Richard P Jenkins
If you want to lose chest fat and build huge pecs, an upper chest exercise program is the way to go. This article will reveal the best upper chest exercises to burn your chest fat. But first, you need to understand that exercising is only half battle. Your diet is also very important and if you want to turn your man breasts into the kind of huge pecs you can be proud of, you need to pay attention to what you put in your body.
We have all heard the terms man boobs and moobs, but a lot of guys don't realise that excess chest fat is actually a medical condition known as gynecomastia. If you have worked hard to lose weight and tone up, yet still have feminine looking man breasts, then this is the reason. Gynecomastia is believed to be caused by an imbalance between the levels of the hormones testosterone and estrogen in the body. This imbalance is thought to be triggered by a poor diet and lack of exercise, but can also be attributed to anabolic steroids, alcohol and marijuana.
Fortunately, by correcting this hormone imbalance in your body, you can either greatly reduce or eliminate the fatty deposits in your chest altogether. You can do this by stopping any drugs that may be contributing to your gynecomastia and by adjusting your diet and exercise plan. By combining the following chest exercises with a natural gynecomastia supplement you can supercharge your fat loss and melt away that chest fat even faster.
Bench Press (works middle chest muscles)
Incline Bench Press (works upper chest muscles)
Dumbbell Flyes (works upper and middle chest)
Dips (great body weight exercise for the chest and shoulders)
Push Ups (perform as many as possible for 5 repitions)
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with between 8-12 repetitions in each set. Use weights that allow you to complete the movement while still maintaining the proper technique. Leave a rest day in between each work out to allow the body time to repair itself.
High intensity cardio exercise is also a great way to burn chest fat. Try varying your intensity on the exercise bike or treadmill and you will feel the difference for yourself. After you have warmed up for a few minutes, peddle or run flat out for one minute, then return to a normal pace for another minute. Repeat this process five or six times for a very intense cardio routine that will have you dripping with sweat. Performing this routine on alternate days to your chest exercises will give the best results, as your body needs time to rest itself after such intensive exercise.
Get your free copy of my guide to gynecomastia treatment and find out more about gynecomastia pills, chest exercises and surgery. If you would like more tips and advice on how to get rid of your man breasts naturally visit my site at


Anonymous said...

flat bench press only makes your man boobs bigger very bad advice.