Causes of bloat stomach?

Having a slender body but the belly bulge, whoever would not be happy with this situation? Therefore, confidence can be lost with the lack of it part of our body. This may arise from our diet and irregular types of food consumed as in between salt, carbohydrates, fried foods, and fizzy drink.

For those of you who do not want to have a protruding belly, should avoid eating too much salt. Because is excessive salt consumption not only causes the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure attack, but also the body will bind a lot of water. The amount of salt consumed a feeling lethargic, bloated appearance, plus the weight gain due to water absorption in the body a lot. As is known, the salt comes from the dried sea water until crystallized.

Then the food that makes belly is containing carbohydrates. Indeed, our body consists of muscles need carbohydrates for later converted to glycogen or stored carbohydrate reserves for energy. Just like salt, glycogen also binds about three grams of water. And when glycogen is not burned, it can already imagine what happens to our bodies is not it?

However, carbohydrate foods are fine, as long as you limit yourself plus regular exercise. Especially in Indonesia, most of the basic food is rice containing high carbohydrate. However, if we Balance regular exercise, fat can be burned, as well as waste water bond together with glycogen is eroded due to physical activity we do.

Next avoiding is excessive eating fried foods. Because, fried foods are a rich source of food for fat. By the body, fat is digested more slowly so easy to accumulate in the stomach. And the situation will become "perfect" if we do not Balance the sport. Nevertheless, there are also fats that the body safe "Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA). MUFA function is to break the fat in the abdomen. MUFA are common in olive oil, nuts, avocados, and dark chocolate.

Finally, if you want to stay slim is belly and beautiful, not a fizzy drink consumption. Fizzy drinks can be seen from the bubble. When consumed, these bubbles are not digested in the stomach, but will continue to be stored in the stomach. Thus, you can imagine what happens if the bubble continues to settle in the stomach, and is not digested? Yes, the belly bulges.

Not to mention, bubbly contain acids that make our stomach irritation, added sugar in it can make you at risk for diabetes because blood sugar levels high. When it was, swollen belly, plus if you get hurt, the wounds will not be quickly closed, or it may rot. So think carefully what will your food consumption.