Believed meditation techniques can reduce the risk of heart attacks in people with significant cardiovascular disease. Based on the research results were presented at a scientific meeting, American Heart Association in Orlando, Florida, cardiovascular disease demonstrated that practicing meditation technique, transcendental meditation in particular decreased risk of heart attack, stroke and even death by half compared with patients who did not perform meditation. Transcendental meditation was first introduced in India in 1955 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This technique is done in a sitting position calm and concentration to focus the mind while saying a mantra. Stress is considered a major factor in cardiovascular disease is believed to be resolved with thismeditation technique.
More than nine years, 201 male and female African - Americans on average age 59 years, who suffered a heart artery narrowing, were included in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups, i.e. groups who practice transcendental meditation and group health education classes taken by implementing a diet and exercise patterns. In the meditation group, they were asked to do meditation in a sitting position with eyes closed about 20 minutes twice a day. Both groups also continued their normal treatment as usual.
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