Fat could be due to abnormal gene

If you think that fat people eat more simply because of greedy, then you are wrong. A study revealed that the body was suffering from obesity have been genetically 'programmed' to ask for more caloric intake.
Researchers at the University of Aberdeen and Rowett Research Institute recently reported research that found that some people have abnormalities or irregularities risk of obesity-related genes.
Those who carry this gene variant can consume more than the normal DNA have. For the researchers, this discovery is expected to pave the way for the possibility of the creation of drugs to overcome the problem of obesity. This finding would also make research easier to answer the mystery of whysome people are not able to be disciplined through a diet program than others.
Because consumption may be controlled or the result of their genes, may be much more difficult for some people to control the intake than those who do not have the risk of distortion of food intake control genes. Consumption of more food does not mean that the person is greedy.
The researchers concluded that after doing research on male and 150 female participants aged 21-60 in the North East of Scotland. They watched the food consumed during the seven-day participant and took blood samples and taking into account other indicators such as physical activity and the amount of energy burned when rest.
Research results are also reported in the Journal of Obesity showed that people with aberrant gene consume between 120-290 calories more per day than those who do not have the risk of distortion.