There are many studies that show the health benefits of drinking tea. Researchers may not be able to agree on every aspect but they do all agree that a few cups of tea a day will do wonders for your well being.
Tea contains high levels of antioxidants, the main ones being polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins. These mop up free radicals that would otherwise harm healthy cells.
Tea also conatins flouride which helps to strengthen teeth and also to control the growth of plaque.
So which type of tea is best?
This is the part that researchers cannot agree on. What is for sure is that each type of tea has its own merits. White tea for example contains a higher level of antioxidants than any other tea. Green tea contains more catechin that black tea as black tea has to undergo more processing.
Studies have shown in the past that tea drinkers benefit from lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and also lower incidents of certain cancers.
Be sure to drink tea whenever you feel like a hot drink. It has far more benefits than coffee and it won’t lead to dehydration.
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