Nappers are on risk of Type-2 Diabetes

sleep Nappers are on risk of Type 2 DiabetesIf you are fond of sleeping especially in the day, there is a piece of news for you. Unfortunately, it is a bad news. Because according to a recent study people who take day-time naps regularly may be at an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. The study showed people who slept during the day were 26% more likely to get diabetics. Researchers from University of Birmingham have recently revealed that during their study.

The researcher team considered the sleeping habits of more than 16,480 older people in China. Among them around 68% took regular naps. The researcher observed that napping in the day just once per week increased the possibility of developing the diabetes. Regular nappers are less likely to sleep well at night. The condition is time and again attributed to detrimental lifestyles and being overweight, lack of good night sleep known to be a contributing factor as well.

The researchers said though they took into account some other contributing factors, for example the weight of the subjects, but it is clear; there was an apparent link between sleeping for small periods and type-2 diabetes. Director of research at Diabetes, UK Dr Iain Frame said the new study could be a new step towards explaining the possible link between disturbed sleep patterns and type-2 diabetes. He said “However, in terms of being major risk factors for developing type-2 diabetes, disturbed sleep or napping are likely to remain less significant than already established risk factors such as being overweight, being over the age of 40 or having a history of diabetes in the family.”

Dr Shahrad Taheri, from the University of Birmingham said as the amount of patients with type-2 diabetes are increasing; so, they are trying to do something so that they can help the people to prevent from developing the condition.