Tumors or neoplasms are masses or growths that arise from normal tissues. They may be either malignant (progressive and lethal) or benign (not lethal and not progressive). There are several differences between benign and malignant tumors.
Differences between a malignant tumors and benign tumors:
Benign tumors grow slowly. Malignant tumors grow rapidly as their ells are multiplied speedily. Benign tumors are often encapsulated that is contained within a fibrous capsule or cover. So that the tumor cells do not invade the surrounding tissue.
Malignant tumor growth is characteristically invasive and infiltrative extending beyond the tissue of origin into adjacent organs. Benign tumors are composed of highly organized and specialized that is differentiated cells, which closely resemble normal, mature tissue.
Malignant tumors are composed of cancerous cells that resemble primitive or embryonic cells that do not have the capacity for mature cellular functions. These types of malignant tumors are called anaplasia. Anaplasia means that the cancerous cells are differentiated that is lapsing to a less developed state in contrast to the normal differentiated tissue of their origin. Anaplastic cells lack an orderly arrangement. Instead, the tumor cells are found piled one on top of the other in a disorganized fashion.
Cells from benign tumors do not spread to form secondary tumor masses in other places in the body. Malignant tumors, however, can detach themselves from the primary or original tumor site travel through the bloodstream and lymphatic system and establish a new tumor site at a distant region within the body. This type of secondary growth is called metastasis.
In the next lesson we will see about MESOTHELIOMA RADIATION THERAPY TREATMENTS. Okay.
Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.
Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign.
More dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things occur:
1. a cancerous cell manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymph systems, destroying healthy tissue in a process called invasion 2. that cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis.
When a tumor successfully spreads to other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to have metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition that is very difficult to treat.
In 2007, cancer claimed the lives of about 7.6 million people in the world. Physicians and researchers who specialize in the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer are called oncologists.
What causes cancer? Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis, and when this process breaks down, cancer begins to form. Unlike regular cells, cancer cells do not experience programmatic death and instead continue to grow and divide. This leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control.
What is cancer? – Video A short, 3D, animated introduction to cancer. This was originally created by BioDigital Systems and used in the Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon.
Genes – the DNA type
Cells can experience uncontrolled growth if there are damages or mutations to DNA, and therefore, damage to the genes involved in cell division. Four key types of gene are responsible for the cell division process: oncogenes tell cells when to divide, tumor suppressor genes tell cells when not to divide, suicide genes control apoptosis and tell the cell to kill itself if something goes wrong, and DNA-repair genes instruct a cell to repair damaged DNA.
Cancer occurs when a cell’s gene mutations make the cell unable to correct DNA damage and unable to commit suicide. Similarly, cancer is a result of mutations that inhibit oncogene and tumor suppressor gene function, leading to uncontrollable cell growth.
Carcinogens Carcinogens are a class of substances that are directly responsible for damaging DNA, promoting or aiding cancer. Tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation such as gamma and x-rays, the sun, and compounds in car exhaust fumes are all examples of carcinogens. When our bodies are exposed to carcinogens, free radicals are formed that try to steal electrons from other molecules in the body. Theses free radicals damage cells and affect their ability to function normally.
Genes – the family type Cancer can be the result of a genetic predisposition that is inherited from family members. It is possible to be born with certain genetic mutations or a fault in a gene that makes one statistically more likely to develop cancer later in life.
Other medical factors As we age, there is an increase in the number of possible cancer-causing mutations in our DNA. This makes age an important risk factor for cancer. Several viruses have also been linked to cancer such as: human papillomavirus (a cause of cervical cancer), hepatitis B and C (causes of liver cancer), and Epstein-Barr virus (a cause of some childhood cancers). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – and anything else that suppresses or weakens the immune system – inhibits the body’s ability to fight infections and increases the chance of developing cancer.
What are the symptoms of cancer? Cancer symptoms are quite varied and depend on where the cancer is located, where it has spread, and how big the tumor is. Some cancers can be felt or seen through the skin – a lump on the breast or testicle can be an indicator of cancer in those locations. Skin cancer (melanoma) is often noted by a change in a wart or mole on the skin. Some oral cancers present white patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue.
Other cancers have symptoms that are less physically apparent. Some brain tumors tend to present symptoms early in the disease as they affect important cognitive functions. Pancreas cancers are usually too small to cause symptoms until they cause pain by pushing against nearby nerves or interfere with liver function to cause a yellowing of the skin and eyes called jaundice. Symptoms also can be created as a tumor grows and pushes against organs and blood vessels. For example, colon cancers lead to symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stool size. Bladder or prostate cancers cause changes in bladder function such as more frequent or infrequent urination.
As cancer cells use the body’s energy and interfere with normal hormone function, it is possible to present symptoms such as fever, fatigue, excessive sweating, anemia, and unexplained weight loss. However, these symptoms are common in several other maladies as well. For example, coughing and hoarseness can point to lung or throat cancer as well as several other conditions.
When cancer spreads, or metastasizes, additional symptoms can present themselves in the newly affected area. Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes are common and likely to be present early. If cancer spreads to the brain, patients may experience vertigo, headaches, or seizures. Spreading to the lungs may cause coughing and shortness of breath. In addition, the liver may become enlarged and cause jaundice and bones can become painful, brittle, and break easily. Symptoms of metastasis ultimately depend on the location to which the cancer has spread.
How is cancer classified? There are five broad groups that are used to classify cancer. 1. Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body such as lung, breast, and colon cancer. 2. Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle, and other supportive tissues. 3. Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues. 4. Leukemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream. 5. Adenomas are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues.
Cancers are often referred to by terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the cancer originated and a suffix such as -sarcoma, -carcinoma, or just -oma. Common prefixes include:
How is cancer diagnosed and staged? Early detection of cancer can greatly improve the odds of successful treatment and survival. Physicians use information from symptoms and several other procedures to diagnose cancer. Imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound scans are used regularly in order to detect where a tumor is located and what organs may be affected by it. Doctors may also conduct an endoscopy, which is a procedure that uses a thin tube with a camera and light at one end, to look for abnormalities inside the body. Cancer testing
Extracting cancer cells and looking at them under a microscope is the only absolute way to diagnose cancer. This procedure is called a biopsy. Other types of molecular diagnostic tests are frequently employed as well. Physicians will analyze your body’s sugars, fats, proteins, and DNA at the molecular level. For example, cancerous prostate cells release a higher level of a chemical called PSA (prostate-specific antigen) into the bloodstream that can be detected by a blood test. Molecular diagnostics, biopsies, and imaging techniques are all used together to diagnose cancer.
After a diagnosis is made, doctors find out how far the cancer has spread and determine the stage of the cancer. The stage determines which choices will be available for treatment and informs prognoses. The most common cancer staging method is called the TNM system. T (1-4) indicates the size and direct extent of the primary tumor, N (0-3) indicates the degree to which the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, and M (0-1) indicates whether the cancer has metastasized to other organs in the body. A small tumor that has not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs may be staged as (T1, N0, M0), for example.
TNM descriptions then lead to a simpler categorization of stages, from 0 to 4, where lower numbers indicate that the cancer has spread less. While most Stage 1 tumors are curable, most Stage 4 tumors are inoperable or untreatable.
How is cancer treated? Cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer (how much it has spread), age, health status, and additional personal characteristics. There is no single treatment for cancer, and patients often receive a combination of therapies and palliative care. Treatments usually fall into one of the following categories: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, or gene therapy.
Surgery Surgery is the oldest known treatment for cancer. If a cancer has not metastasized, it is possible to completely cure a patient by surgically removing the cancer from the body. This is often seen in the removal of the prostate or a breast or testicle. After the disease has spread, however, it is nearly impossible to remove all of the cancer cells. Surgery may also be instrumental in helping to control symptoms such as bowel obstruction or spinal cord compression.
Radiation Radiotherapy treatment Radiation treatment, also known as radiotherapy, destroys cancer by focusing high-energy rays on the cancer cells. This causes damage to the molecules that make up the cancer cells and leads them to commit suicide. Radiotherapy utilizes high-energy gamma-rays that are emitted from metals such as radium or high-energy x-rays that are created in a special machine. Early radiation treatments caused severe side-effects because the energy beams would damage normal, healthy tissue, but technologies have improved so that beams can be more accurately targeted. Radiotherapy is used as a standalone treatment to shrink a tumor or destroy cancer cells (including those associated with leukemia and lymphoma), and it is also used in combination with other cancer treatments.
Chemotherapy Chemotherapy utilizes chemicals that interfere with the cell division process – damaging proteins or DNA – so that cancer cells will commit suicide. These treatments target any rapidly dividing cells (not necessarily just cancer cells), but normal cells usually can recover from any chemical-induced damage while cancer cells cannot. Chemotherapy is generally used to treat cancer that has spread or metastasized because the medicines travel throughout the entire body. It is a necessary treatment for some forms of leukemia and lymphoma. Chemotherapy treatment occurs in cycles so the body has time to heal between doses. However, there are still common side effects such as hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. Combination therapies often include multiple types of chemotherapy or chemotherapy combined with other treatment options.
Immunotherapy Immunotherapy aims to get the body’s immune system to fight the tumor. Local immunotherapy injects a treatment into an affected area, for example, to cause inflammation that causes a tumor to shrink. Systemic immunotherapy treats the whole body by administering an agent such as the protein interferon alpha that can shrink tumors. Immunotherapy can also be considered non-specific if it improves cancer-fighting abilities by stimulating the entire immune system, and it can be considered targeted if the treatment specifically tells the immune system to destroy cancer cells. These therapies are relatively young, but researchers have had success with treatments that introduce antibodies to the body that inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Bone marrow transplantation (hematopoetic stem cell transplantation) can also be considered immunotherapy because the donor’s immune cells will often attack the tumor or cancer cells that are present in the host.
Hormone therapy Several cancers have been linked to some types of hormones, most notably breast and prostate cancer. Hormone therapy is designed to alter hormone production in the body so that cancer cells stop growing or are killed completely. Breast cancer hormone therapies often focus on reducing estrogen levels (a common drug for this is tamoxifen) and prostate cancer hormone therapies often focus on reducing testosterone levels. In addition, some leukemia and lymphoma cases can be treated with the hormone cortisone.
Gene therapy The goal of gene therapy is to replace damaged genes with ones that work to address a root cause of cancer: damage to DNA. For example, researchers are trying to replace the damaged gene that signals cells to stop dividing (the p53 gene) with a copy of a working gene. Other gene-based therapies focus on further damaging cancer cell DNA to the point where the cell commits suicide. Gene therapy is a very young field and has not yet resulted in any successful treatments. How can cancer be prevented? Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the easiest to prevent. For example, choosing not to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol significantly lower the risk of several types of cancer – most notably lung, throat, mouth, and liver cancer. Even if you are a current tobacco user, quitting can still greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer.
Skin cancer can be prevented by staying in the shade, protecting yourself with a hat and shirt when in the sun, and using sunscreen. Diet is also an important part of cancer prevention since what we eat has been linked to the disease. Physicians recommend diets that are low in fat and rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
Certain vaccinations have been associated with the prevention of some cancers. For example, many women receive a vaccination for the human papillomavirus because of the virus’s relationship with cervical cancer. Hepatitis B vaccines prevent the hepatitis B virus, which can cause liver cancer.
Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various cancers.
How to eat to prevent cancer – Video A guide to some everyday foods that contain nutrients that may help reduce your risk of getting cancer. Video by Howcast.
Cancer / Oncology news Medical News Today is a leading resource for the latest headlines on Cancer and Oncology. So, check out our cancer news section. You can also sign up to daily medical news alerts or our weekly digest medical newsletters to ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest news. This what is cancer? information section was written by Peter Crosta for Medical News Today
Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.
Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign.
More dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things occur:
1. a cancerous cell manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymph systems, destroying healthy tissue in a process called invasion 2. that cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis.
When a tumor successfully spreads to other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to have metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition that is very difficult to treat.
In 2007, cancer claimed the lives of about 7.6 million people in the world. Physicians and researchers who specialize in the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer are called oncologists.
What causes cancer? Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis, and when this process breaks down, cancer begins to form. Unlike regular cells, cancer cells do not experience programmatic death and instead continue to grow and divide. This leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control.
What is cancer? – Video A short, 3D, animated introduction to cancer. This was originally created by BioDigital Systems and used in the Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon.
Genes – the DNA type
Cells can experience uncontrolled growth if there are damages or mutations to DNA, and therefore, damage to the genes involved in cell division. Four key types of gene are responsible for the cell division process: oncogenes tell cells when to divide, tumor suppressor genes tell cells when not to divide, suicide genes control apoptosis and tell the cell to kill itself if something goes wrong, and DNA-repair genes instruct a cell to repair damaged DNA.
Cancer occurs when a cell’s gene mutations make the cell unable to correct DNA damage and unable to commit suicide. Similarly, cancer is a result of mutations that inhibit oncogene and tumor suppressor gene function, leading to uncontrollable cell growth.
Carcinogens Carcinogens are a class of substances that are directly responsible for damaging DNA, promoting or aiding cancer. Tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation such as gamma and x-rays, the sun, and compounds in car exhaust fumes are all examples of carcinogens. When our bodies are exposed to carcinogens, free radicals are formed that try to steal electrons from other molecules in the body. Theses free radicals damage cells and affect their ability to function normally.
Genes – the family type Cancer can be the result of a genetic predisposition that is inherited from family members. It is possible to be born with certain genetic mutations or a fault in a gene that makes one statistically more likely to develop cancer later in life.
Other medical factors As we age, there is an increase in the number of possible cancer-causing mutations in our DNA. This makes age an important risk factor for cancer. Several viruses have also been linked to cancer such as: human papillomavirus (a cause of cervical cancer), hepatitis B and C (causes of liver cancer), and Epstein-Barr virus (a cause of some childhood cancers). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – and anything else that suppresses or weakens the immune system – inhibits the body’s ability to fight infections and increases the chance of developing cancer.
What are the symptoms of cancer? Cancer symptoms are quite varied and depend on where the cancer is located, where it has spread, and how big the tumor is. Some cancers can be felt or seen through the skin – a lump on the breast or testicle can be an indicator of cancer in those locations. Skin cancer (melanoma) is often noted by a change in a wart or mole on the skin. Some oral cancers present white patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue.
Other cancers have symptoms that are less physically apparent. Some brain tumors tend to present symptoms early in the disease as they affect important cognitive functions. Pancreas cancers are usually too small to cause symptoms until they cause pain by pushing against nearby nerves or interfere with liver function to cause a yellowing of the skin and eyes called jaundice. Symptoms also can be created as a tumor grows and pushes against organs and blood vessels. For example, colon cancers lead to symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stool size. Bladder or prostate cancers cause changes in bladder function such as more frequent or infrequent urination.
As cancer cells use the body’s energy and interfere with normal hormone function, it is possible to present symptoms such as fever, fatigue, excessive sweating, anemia, and unexplained weight loss. However, these symptoms are common in several other maladies as well. For example, coughing and hoarseness can point to lung or throat cancer as well as several other conditions.
When cancer spreads, or metastasizes, additional symptoms can present themselves in the newly affected area. Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes are common and likely to be present early. If cancer spreads to the brain, patients may experience vertigo, headaches, or seizures. Spreading to the lungs may cause coughing and shortness of breath. In addition, the liver may become enlarged and cause jaundice and bones can become painful, brittle, and break easily. Symptoms of metastasis ultimately depend on the location to which the cancer has spread.
How is cancer classified? There are five broad groups that are used to classify cancer. 1. Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body such as lung, breast, and colon cancer. 2. Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle, and other supportive tissues. 3. Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues. 4. Leukemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream. 5. Adenomas are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues.
Cancers are often referred to by terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the cancer originated and a suffix such as -sarcoma, -carcinoma, or just -oma. Common prefixes include:
How is cancer diagnosed and staged? Early detection of cancer can greatly improve the odds of successful treatment and survival. Physicians use information from symptoms and several other procedures to diagnose cancer. Imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound scans are used regularly in order to detect where a tumor is located and what organs may be affected by it. Doctors may also conduct an endoscopy, which is a procedure that uses a thin tube with a camera and light at one end, to look for abnormalities inside the body. Cancer testing
Extracting cancer cells and looking at them under a microscope is the only absolute way to diagnose cancer. This procedure is called a biopsy. Other types of molecular diagnostic tests are frequently employed as well. Physicians will analyze your body’s sugars, fats, proteins, and DNA at the molecular level. For example, cancerous prostate cells release a higher level of a chemical called PSA (prostate-specific antigen) into the bloodstream that can be detected by a blood test. Molecular diagnostics, biopsies, and imaging techniques are all used together to diagnose cancer.
After a diagnosis is made, doctors find out how far the cancer has spread and determine the stage of the cancer. The stage determines which choices will be available for treatment and informs prognoses. The most common cancer staging method is called the TNM system. T (1-4) indicates the size and direct extent of the primary tumor, N (0-3) indicates the degree to which the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, and M (0-1) indicates whether the cancer has metastasized to other organs in the body. A small tumor that has not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs may be staged as (T1, N0, M0), for example.
TNM descriptions then lead to a simpler categorization of stages, from 0 to 4, where lower numbers indicate that the cancer has spread less. While most Stage 1 tumors are curable, most Stage 4 tumors are inoperable or untreatable.
How is cancer treated? Cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer (how much it has spread), age, health status, and additional personal characteristics. There is no single treatment for cancer, and patients often receive a combination of therapies and palliative care. Treatments usually fall into one of the following categories: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, or gene therapy.
Surgery Surgery is the oldest known treatment for cancer. If a cancer has not metastasized, it is possible to completely cure a patient by surgically removing the cancer from the body. This is often seen in the removal of the prostate or a breast or testicle. After the disease has spread, however, it is nearly impossible to remove all of the cancer cells. Surgery may also be instrumental in helping to control symptoms such as bowel obstruction or spinal cord compression.
Radiation Radiotherapy treatment Radiation treatment, also known as radiotherapy, destroys cancer by focusing high-energy rays on the cancer cells. This causes damage to the molecules that make up the cancer cells and leads them to commit suicide. Radiotherapy utilizes high-energy gamma-rays that are emitted from metals such as radium or high-energy x-rays that are created in a special machine. Early radiation treatments caused severe side-effects because the energy beams would damage normal, healthy tissue, but technologies have improved so that beams can be more accurately targeted. Radiotherapy is used as a standalone treatment to shrink a tumor or destroy cancer cells (including those associated with leukemia and lymphoma), and it is also used in combination with other cancer treatments.
Chemotherapy Chemotherapy utilizes chemicals that interfere with the cell division process – damaging proteins or DNA – so that cancer cells will commit suicide. These treatments target any rapidly dividing cells (not necessarily just cancer cells), but normal cells usually can recover from any chemical-induced damage while cancer cells cannot. Chemotherapy is generally used to treat cancer that has spread or metastasized because the medicines travel throughout the entire body. It is a necessary treatment for some forms of leukemia and lymphoma. Chemotherapy treatment occurs in cycles so the body has time to heal between doses. However, there are still common side effects such as hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. Combination therapies often include multiple types of chemotherapy or chemotherapy combined with other treatment options.
Immunotherapy Immunotherapy aims to get the body’s immune system to fight the tumor. Local immunotherapy injects a treatment into an affected area, for example, to cause inflammation that causes a tumor to shrink. Systemic immunotherapy treats the whole body by administering an agent such as the protein interferon alpha that can shrink tumors. Immunotherapy can also be considered non-specific if it improves cancer-fighting abilities by stimulating the entire immune system, and it can be considered targeted if the treatment specifically tells the immune system to destroy cancer cells. These therapies are relatively young, but researchers have had success with treatments that introduce antibodies to the body that inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Bone marrow transplantation (hematopoetic stem cell transplantation) can also be considered immunotherapy because the donor’s immune cells will often attack the tumor or cancer cells that are present in the host.
Hormone therapy Several cancers have been linked to some types of hormones, most notably breast and prostate cancer. Hormone therapy is designed to alter hormone production in the body so that cancer cells stop growing or are killed completely. Breast cancer hormone therapies often focus on reducing estrogen levels (a common drug for this is tamoxifen) and prostate cancer hormone therapies often focus on reducing testosterone levels. In addition, some leukemia and lymphoma cases can be treated with the hormone cortisone.
Gene therapy The goal of gene therapy is to replace damaged genes with ones that work to address a root cause of cancer: damage to DNA. For example, researchers are trying to replace the damaged gene that signals cells to stop dividing (the p53 gene) with a copy of a working gene. Other gene-based therapies focus on further damaging cancer cell DNA to the point where the cell commits suicide. Gene therapy is a very young field and has not yet resulted in any successful treatments. How can cancer be prevented? Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the easiest to prevent. For example, choosing not to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol significantly lower the risk of several types of cancer – most notably lung, throat, mouth, and liver cancer. Even if you are a current tobacco user, quitting can still greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer.
Skin cancer can be prevented by staying in the shade, protecting yourself with a hat and shirt when in the sun, and using sunscreen. Diet is also an important part of cancer prevention since what we eat has been linked to the disease. Physicians recommend diets that are low in fat and rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
Certain vaccinations have been associated with the prevention of some cancers. For example, many women receive a vaccination for the human papillomavirus because of the virus’s relationship with cervical cancer. Hepatitis B vaccines prevent the hepatitis B virus, which can cause liver cancer.
Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various cancers.
How to eat to prevent cancer – Video A guide to some everyday foods that contain nutrients that may help reduce your risk of getting cancer. Video by Howcast.
Cancer / Oncology news Medical News Today is a leading resource for the latest headlines on Cancer and Oncology. So, check out our cancer news section. You can also sign up to daily medical news alerts or our weekly digest medical newsletters to ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest news. This what is cancer? information section was written by Peter Crosta for Medical News Today
Weight loss is one of those subjects that it seems everyone is always talking about. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Stories of the dangers of not losing weight appear regularly on the nightly news. Retail outlets and the Internet both are full of weight loss books and products. Turn on late night TV and you’re sure to find several infomercials claiming they’ve found the miracle cure for weight loss. Weight loss is discussed in medical centers and at schools and even in the work place. If you’re trying to lose weight, here are a few sensible and easty tips to get you going.
Tip #1 – Stop Talking About Weight Loss! All that talk about how much you want to lose weight isn’t going to make the weight come off. You’ve got to take action, starting right now. So take this simple advice: Stop moving your mouth and start moving your body! It won’t take long to begin seeing the results. You don’t need to start with anything hard. Walking has been shown to be one of the best exercises to do when trying to lose weight. If you still need extra motivation to walk, go get yourself a dog, they’ll be happy to drag you out for a walk everyday. (For more exercise tips, click here)
Tip #2 – Slow and Steady is Best Slow and steady weight loss is better (and safer) than riding the dieting roller coaster. If you’re looking for long-lasting weight loss results, aim to lose an average of about two pounds each week. In order to lose weight you’ve got to consume fewer calories than you burn. As a bonus, when you combine dieting with exercise, you’ll be reducing your caloric intake and increasing your caloric burn rate at the same time.
Tip #3 – Save Your Money Don’t spend your hard-earned money on the latest weight loss gimmicks. Pills, fad diets, hypnosis, and extreme surgical procedures are not the answer! These gimmicks won’t slim you down, but they will fatten the bank accounts of those who promote them! Eating a nutritionally-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, good fats and lean proteins will encourage weight loss faster than any miracle cure you can buy. The only place where you should consider spending a little extra money is on organic food. You’re far better off spending your money on organic food than on diet pills.
Tip #4 – Weight Loss is a Way of Life Unfortunately, the issue of weight is something that most people will struggle with throughout life. Excess processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the two biggest contributors to this constant struggle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you’ve got to change the way you think about food. It should be thought of as a source of fuel, not a passion. Successful weight loss really is about making lifestyle changes, including making the right food choices, and then sticking with those choices throughout life.
Tip #5 – Weight Loss is More Than a Number When you’re dieting, don’t become a victim of the dreaded scale. When the numbers go down, happiness goes up. But when the numbers stay the same or go up, it is easy to give up and give in. Remember that even if your weight isn’t changing as you would like, your body is. You’ll be taking better care of your heart. You’ll be lowering your cholesterol levels. You’ll be sporting a leaner body and your clothes will begin fitting more comfortably. When you learn to find joy in these other benefits, you’ll want to keep on being a loser! Tip #6 – Stop Drinking Diet Soda There have been no studies that show that drinking diet soda helps a person lose weight. Any product containing aspartame should be avoided, especially when trying to lose weight. Your best choice would be to drink water, and a lot of it. However, if you need something bubbly and fizzy, go for the regular sugar containing soda.
Tip #7 – Get rid of the MSG MSG, monosodium glutamate, is the same substance that researchers use to induce obesity in lab rats. Do you really want that in your body when you’re trying to lose weight, I don’t.
Tip #8 – Trans Fats Gotta Go Too If you don’t care about any of the other dangers associated with Trans fats, then you should at least know that there is evidence that Trans fats contribute to increasing the size of that spare tire of yours more than anything part of your food. If you haven’t done so already, please read my trans fat article to learn more. Tip #9 – Eat Slowly Chew your food. It’s not a race to see who can eat the fastest. When you’re eating, do so slowly, being sure you fully chew everything in your mouth before adding anything else, and you’ll find you end up eating less.
Tip #10 – Mom was Wrong – You Don’t Need to Eat Everything On Your Plate Sure, when you were a kid, Mom was probably right about cleaning your plate. You probably didn’t want to eat your vegetables or something a growing body needed to be healthy. However, now that your older, when you’re full, stop eating. If there’s still food on your plate, that’s okay, you don’t need to finish it.
Tip #11 – Raw Fruits and Vegetables are Your Friend Raw fruits and vegetables are very easy for your body to digest. Many vegetables, such as carrots and cauliflower, are filling without adding a lot of calories. Start every meal with a salad (or any raw vegetable combination you like), or better yet, enjoy just the salad.
Weight loss is one of those subjects that it seems everyone is always talking about. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Stories of the dangers of not losing weight appear regularly on the nightly news. Retail outlets and the Internet both are full of weight loss books and products. Turn on late night TV and you’re sure to find several infomercials claiming they’ve found the miracle cure for weight loss. Weight loss is discussed in medical centers and at schools and even in the work place. If you’re trying to lose weight, here are a few sensible and easty tips to get you going.
Tip #1 – Stop Talking About Weight Loss! All that talk about how much you want to lose weight isn’t going to make the weight come off. You’ve got to take action, starting right now. So take this simple advice: Stop moving your mouth and start moving your body! It won’t take long to begin seeing the results. You don’t need to start with anything hard. Walking has been shown to be one of the best exercises to do when trying to lose weight. If you still need extra motivation to walk, go get yourself a dog, they’ll be happy to drag you out for a walk everyday. (For more exercise tips, click here)
Tip #2 – Slow and Steady is Best Slow and steady weight loss is better (and safer) than riding the dieting roller coaster. If you’re looking for long-lasting weight loss results, aim to lose an average of about two pounds each week. In order to lose weight you’ve got to consume fewer calories than you burn. As a bonus, when you combine dieting with exercise, you’ll be reducing your caloric intake and increasing your caloric burn rate at the same time.
Tip #3 – Save Your Money Don’t spend your hard-earned money on the latest weight loss gimmicks. Pills, fad diets, hypnosis, and extreme surgical procedures are not the answer! These gimmicks won’t slim you down, but they will fatten the bank accounts of those who promote them! Eating a nutritionally-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, good fats and lean proteins will encourage weight loss faster than any miracle cure you can buy. The only place where you should consider spending a little extra money is on organic food. You’re far better off spending your money on organic food than on diet pills.
Tip #4 – Weight Loss is a Way of Life Unfortunately, the issue of weight is something that most people will struggle with throughout life. Excess processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the two biggest contributors to this constant struggle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you’ve got to change the way you think about food. It should be thought of as a source of fuel, not a passion. Successful weight loss really is about making lifestyle changes, including making the right food choices, and then sticking with those choices throughout life.
Tip #5 – Weight Loss is More Than a Number When you’re dieting, don’t become a victim of the dreaded scale. When the numbers go down, happiness goes up. But when the numbers stay the same or go up, it is easy to give up and give in. Remember that even if your weight isn’t changing as you would like, your body is. You’ll be taking better care of your heart. You’ll be lowering your cholesterol levels. You’ll be sporting a leaner body and your clothes will begin fitting more comfortably. When you learn to find joy in these other benefits, you’ll want to keep on being a loser! Tip #6 – Stop Drinking Diet Soda There have been no studies that show that drinking diet soda helps a person lose weight. Any product containing aspartame should be avoided, especially when trying to lose weight. Your best choice would be to drink water, and a lot of it. However, if you need something bubbly and fizzy, go for the regular sugar containing soda.
Tip #7 – Get rid of the MSG MSG, monosodium glutamate, is the same substance that researchers use to induce obesity in lab rats. Do you really want that in your body when you’re trying to lose weight, I don’t.
Tip #8 – Trans Fats Gotta Go Too If you don’t care about any of the other dangers associated with Trans fats, then you should at least know that there is evidence that Trans fats contribute to increasing the size of that spare tire of yours more than anything part of your food. If you haven’t done so already, please read my trans fat article to learn more. Tip #9 – Eat Slowly Chew your food. It’s not a race to see who can eat the fastest. When you’re eating, do so slowly, being sure you fully chew everything in your mouth before adding anything else, and you’ll find you end up eating less.
Tip #10 – Mom was Wrong – You Don’t Need to Eat Everything On Your Plate Sure, when you were a kid, Mom was probably right about cleaning your plate. You probably didn’t want to eat your vegetables or something a growing body needed to be healthy. However, now that your older, when you’re full, stop eating. If there’s still food on your plate, that’s okay, you don’t need to finish it.
Tip #11 – Raw Fruits and Vegetables are Your Friend Raw fruits and vegetables are very easy for your body to digest. Many vegetables, such as carrots and cauliflower, are filling without adding a lot of calories. Start every meal with a salad (or any raw vegetable combination you like), or better yet, enjoy just the salad.
OK, big boy. This month is American Heart Month. So, now that the Super Bowl is over, it is time put the bacon-wrapped sausage down and start focusing on making your heart healthier. The fact is that one in three people between the ages of 20 and 74 in the United States are overweight or obese - which amounts to about 58 million people. So, chances are pretty good that you are one of them. But, even if you aren’t overweight, you may not be doing enough to keep your heart healthy. Remember, even skinny guys can have bum tickers. Since this is American Heart Month, there is no better time than now for you to start taking some extra steps toward taking better care of your heart.
Having Your Cholesterol Tested
One of the first steps you can take toward improving your heart health is to get your cholesterol tested. The American Heart Association recommends getting this done at least once every five years. Yes, this does mean blood will be drawn from your arm. Don’t be a princess. Head to your doc and get that blood drawn so you can find out how much trouble your heart is really in.
Before you head in to get your blood drawn, however, you will have to fast for 12 hours. This means no food or liquids - not even beer. If you gave in and snarf down some of your favorite snacks, your readings will be unreliable and you will have gone through all of this hassle for nothing. So, don’t visit mom beforehand. You know she will force you to sit down and eat something if you do.
When you get the results from your cholesterol test, you might not be able to make much sense out of the information. In short, you want your total blood cholesterol level to be below 200 mg/dL. If your levels fall between 200 and 239 mg/dL, your doc will need to break your cholesterol reading down even further. Basically, your doctor needs to know how much HDL and LDL cholesterol you have. LDL is the “bad” cholesterol that you don’t want to have, while HDL is considered to be “good” cholesterol. If you have a high HDL cholesterol level, you might not be as bad off as it seemed at first. If your cholesterol level is higher than 240 mg/dL, you are probably in trouble regardless of your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.
Regardless of your levels, you still need to make certain to make good lifestyle and health choices if you want to keep your heart healthy.
Getting Some Exercise
One of the most important things you can do to keep your heart healthy is to get up and get moving. Let’s face it, the obesity problem in our country is largely due to lack of exercise. Technology has made it too easy to just sit around and most people are desk jockeys who don’t get much physical activity at work. That means you need to make a conscious effort to get more exercise in your life.
If you currently aren’t doing a whole lot, you should work up to getting 30 minutes of cardio exercise four days per week. If you need to drop some pounds, however, you will need to get up to 1 hour per day if you want to shed some weight.
The good news is that you don’t have to hop on a treadmill for an hour a day in order to get your exercise. Hanging out and playing some street b-ball with the guys can get your heart pumping. Or, go for a swim, hit the slopes, go on a hike or do anything else you enjoy. The idea is to get off your ass and get moving.
Improving Your Diet
We’re all fans of bacon and processed meats, but the reality is that eating too much of these foods will clog up your arteries and lead to a whole host of health problems. The cold, harsh reality is that anything made from animals contains high levels of cholesterols. This includes many of your favorite foods, including meat, shellfish, poultry, cheese, butter and eggs. Even whole milk and 2% milk can lead to increased cholesterol levels. This doesn’t mean you have to cut out all of your favorite foods, but pay a little more attention to what you are putting in your mouth and use a little restraint.
Anything with trans fats and saturated fats will also cause your body to produce more cholesterol, so check out those food labels and try not to eat a whole bag of chips or a whole box of cookies in one sitting. In all, your fat consumption should be somewhere between 25-35%. Saturated fats should be less than 7% of what you eat and trans fats should account for less than 1% of your daily intake. Similarly, your sodium intake should be less than 2,300 mg per day.
To improve your diet, try replacing some of those processed meats with lean meats and poultry. You should also try to get more fish in your diet and should replace your whole milk with 1% or fat-free milk instead. Of course, fruits and veggies are good for you too. Try snacking on those instead of all of those cookies and chips.
Making Lifestyle Changes
It should go without saying, but smoking will also increase your cholesterol and put you at a higher risk for heart disease and other heart-related problems. Put out the cigarette and give your heart and lungs a break. If you are having problems with quitting, talk to your doctor about the various options out there. There is bound to be something out there that will help you put the cigarettes out for good.
Sure, leading a healthier lifestyle doesn’t always sound so fun. But, no one is saying you have to go on a vegetarian diet and exercise for 5 hours each night. Just make a few simple changes to what you eat and get off the couch now and again - your heart will thank you.
OK, big boy. This month is American Heart Month. So, now that the Super Bowl is over, it is time put the bacon-wrapped sausage down and start focusing on making your heart healthier. The fact is that one in three people between the ages of 20 and 74 in the United States are overweight or obese - which amounts to about 58 million people. So, chances are pretty good that you are one of them. But, even if you aren’t overweight, you may not be doing enough to keep your heart healthy. Remember, even skinny guys can have bum tickers. Since this is American Heart Month, there is no better time than now for you to start taking some extra steps toward taking better care of your heart.
Having Your Cholesterol Tested
One of the first steps you can take toward improving your heart health is to get your cholesterol tested. The American Heart Association recommends getting this done at least once every five years. Yes, this does mean blood will be drawn from your arm. Don’t be a princess. Head to your doc and get that blood drawn so you can find out how much trouble your heart is really in.
Before you head in to get your blood drawn, however, you will have to fast for 12 hours. This means no food or liquids - not even beer. If you gave in and snarf down some of your favorite snacks, your readings will be unreliable and you will have gone through all of this hassle for nothing. So, don’t visit mom beforehand. You know she will force you to sit down and eat something if you do.
When you get the results from your cholesterol test, you might not be able to make much sense out of the information. In short, you want your total blood cholesterol level to be below 200 mg/dL. If your levels fall between 200 and 239 mg/dL, your doc will need to break your cholesterol reading down even further. Basically, your doctor needs to know how much HDL and LDL cholesterol you have. LDL is the “bad” cholesterol that you don’t want to have, while HDL is considered to be “good” cholesterol. If you have a high HDL cholesterol level, you might not be as bad off as it seemed at first. If your cholesterol level is higher than 240 mg/dL, you are probably in trouble regardless of your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.
Regardless of your levels, you still need to make certain to make good lifestyle and health choices if you want to keep your heart healthy.
Getting Some Exercise
One of the most important things you can do to keep your heart healthy is to get up and get moving. Let’s face it, the obesity problem in our country is largely due to lack of exercise. Technology has made it too easy to just sit around and most people are desk jockeys who don’t get much physical activity at work. That means you need to make a conscious effort to get more exercise in your life.
If you currently aren’t doing a whole lot, you should work up to getting 30 minutes of cardio exercise four days per week. If you need to drop some pounds, however, you will need to get up to 1 hour per day if you want to shed some weight.
The good news is that you don’t have to hop on a treadmill for an hour a day in order to get your exercise. Hanging out and playing some street b-ball with the guys can get your heart pumping. Or, go for a swim, hit the slopes, go on a hike or do anything else you enjoy. The idea is to get off your ass and get moving.
Improving Your Diet
We’re all fans of bacon and processed meats, but the reality is that eating too much of these foods will clog up your arteries and lead to a whole host of health problems. The cold, harsh reality is that anything made from animals contains high levels of cholesterols. This includes many of your favorite foods, including meat, shellfish, poultry, cheese, butter and eggs. Even whole milk and 2% milk can lead to increased cholesterol levels. This doesn’t mean you have to cut out all of your favorite foods, but pay a little more attention to what you are putting in your mouth and use a little restraint.
Anything with trans fats and saturated fats will also cause your body to produce more cholesterol, so check out those food labels and try not to eat a whole bag of chips or a whole box of cookies in one sitting. In all, your fat consumption should be somewhere between 25-35%. Saturated fats should be less than 7% of what you eat and trans fats should account for less than 1% of your daily intake. Similarly, your sodium intake should be less than 2,300 mg per day.
To improve your diet, try replacing some of those processed meats with lean meats and poultry. You should also try to get more fish in your diet and should replace your whole milk with 1% or fat-free milk instead. Of course, fruits and veggies are good for you too. Try snacking on those instead of all of those cookies and chips.
Making Lifestyle Changes
It should go without saying, but smoking will also increase your cholesterol and put you at a higher risk for heart disease and other heart-related problems. Put out the cigarette and give your heart and lungs a break. If you are having problems with quitting, talk to your doctor about the various options out there. There is bound to be something out there that will help you put the cigarettes out for good.
Sure, leading a healthier lifestyle doesn’t always sound so fun. But, no one is saying you have to go on a vegetarian diet and exercise for 5 hours each night. Just make a few simple changes to what you eat and get off the couch now and again - your heart will thank you.
It’s the physical examination every man dreads. It’s even worse than the “turn your head and cough” scenario that involves an 80-year-old doctor and his cold, clammy hands straddling the ‘ole twins. You know what I am talking about - the anal probe.
For most guys, the prostate examination is about the worst exam you could possibly undergo. Not only is it embarrassing (after all, you know how your bathroom smells after you have taking a nice, healthy shit in it), it also gets your homophobic radar blaring - particularly if that doc manages to stimulate just the right part of your prostate. You know what I am talking about. Nearly every guy who has had a prostate examination has felt a little bit of stirring up front. Does this mean you have homosexual tendencies? And, just what is the prostate and why is it so damn important for your doctor to violate you in order to check on its status?
What is the Prostate?
Put simply, your prostate is one part of your reproductive system that doesn’t get nearly as much attention as parts you play with while in the shower. The job of the prostate is to make and to store your seminal fluid, which is the liquid your sperm swims around in and is what makes up the majority of the goo you squirt when your having a really good time. Even if you get yourself fixed, your prostate will continue to kick out the seminal fluid.
Since your prostate is located in your pelvis in a spot that is both beneath your urinary bladder and in front of your rectum, the easiest way for your doctor to access it is through your backdoor.
Why is it Important to Get Your Prostate Checked?
Unfortunately for you and me, the prostate is an organ that is prone to developing cancer. As with all forms of cancer, prostate cancer develops when cells mutate and then begin to multiply rapidly. If left untreated, the cancerous cells can spread to other parts of the body. It is particularly life-threatening if the cells spread to the bones or to the lymph nodes. Even if the cells don’t spread, prostate cancer can cause a number of problems for you, ranging from pain to problems with your sexual functioning.
What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?
In its earliest stages, prostate cancer usually doesn’t show any symptoms - which is why your doc needs to go spelunking in your nether regions from time to time. Once the disease does start showing symptoms, however, common signs include:
Frequent urination, particularly at night
Difficulty maintaining a steady stream of urine
Blood in the urine
Pain when urinating
Difficulty obtaining an erection
Pain when ejaculating
Once the cancer begins to spread, you may notice pain in your ribs, vertebrae or pelvis. After spreading to the spine, the disease may also lead to compression in the spinal cord as well as fecal and urinary incontinence.
Do I Really Need to Worry About Prostate Cancer?
Although prostate cancer occurs more frequently in men over the age of 50, it is possible for a man of any age to develop the disease. In fact, it is one of the most common forms of cancer for men and, since there are often no symptoms associated with the disease, there is a good chance the disease won’t be caught in its early stages unless you get regular check-ups.
When performing the procedure, your doc will first lube up his or her finger before going hunting for your prostate. Once there, the doctor will check the shape, size and texture of your prostate. If the doctor finds any areas that are hard, lumpy or otherwise unusual feeling, those areas will require further examination. Probing your most private of areas is not the only test that can be performed when screening for prostate cancer, as blood tests should be performed as well. So, how about that, after getting violated in the rear, you also get stuck with a needle. Sounds fun, huh? Well, suck it up, tough guy. It may not be pleasant, but it is necessary to keep your health on track.
Can Prostate Cancer be Prevented?
There is nothing you can do to completely eliminate the possibility of developing prostate cancer, but there are certain steps you can take to help reduce your chances of coming down with the disease. Some research has shown that vitamins such as vitamin E and D can help protect the body from prostate cancer, as can soy foods and even green tea. If you really want to reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer, however, you need to put that prostate to work.
According to a 2003 study performed in Australia, you finally have an excuse to spend some time with Rosie palm and her five sisters. This is because the researchers found that men who masturbate more often are less likely to develop the disease. As a result of the study, the researchers recommend that men ejaculate as frequently as possible between the ages of 20 and 50. So, if you aren’t over 50 yet, you might want to take matters into your own hands (yes, the pun is certainly intended) and take measures now to prevent prostate cancer later. Consider it to be simply part of your regular health regimen. More specifically, researchers found that men in their 20s who ejaculated six or more times per week were 1/3 less likely to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer later
If you don’t want to go this route - and why wouldn’t you? - you can also help reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer by increasing your consumption of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is in most forms of vegetable oil as well as in fats.
The bottom line is to try to eat healthy and get your prostate exam on a regular basis. And, of course, ejaculate as frequently as possible. After all, your health depends upon it.
It’s the physical examination every man dreads. It’s even worse than the “turn your head and cough” scenario that involves an 80-year-old doctor and his cold, clammy hands straddling the ‘ole twins. You know what I am talking about - the anal probe.
For most guys, the prostate examination is about the worst exam you could possibly undergo. Not only is it embarrassing (after all, you know how your bathroom smells after you have taking a nice, healthy shit in it), it also gets your homophobic radar blaring - particularly if that doc manages to stimulate just the right part of your prostate. You know what I am talking about. Nearly every guy who has had a prostate examination has felt a little bit of stirring up front. Does this mean you have homosexual tendencies? And, just what is the prostate and why is it so damn important for your doctor to violate you in order to check on its status?
What is the Prostate?
Put simply, your prostate is one part of your reproductive system that doesn’t get nearly as much attention as parts you play with while in the shower. The job of the prostate is to make and to store your seminal fluid, which is the liquid your sperm swims around in and is what makes up the majority of the goo you squirt when your having a really good time. Even if you get yourself fixed, your prostate will continue to kick out the seminal fluid.
Since your prostate is located in your pelvis in a spot that is both beneath your urinary bladder and in front of your rectum, the easiest way for your doctor to access it is through your backdoor.
Why is it Important to Get Your Prostate Checked?
Unfortunately for you and me, the prostate is an organ that is prone to developing cancer. As with all forms of cancer, prostate cancer develops when cells mutate and then begin to multiply rapidly. If left untreated, the cancerous cells can spread to other parts of the body. It is particularly life-threatening if the cells spread to the bones or to the lymph nodes. Even if the cells don’t spread, prostate cancer can cause a number of problems for you, ranging from pain to problems with your sexual functioning.
What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?
In its earliest stages, prostate cancer usually doesn’t show any symptoms - which is why your doc needs to go spelunking in your nether regions from time to time. Once the disease does start showing symptoms, however, common signs include:
Frequent urination, particularly at night
Difficulty maintaining a steady stream of urine
Blood in the urine
Pain when urinating
Difficulty obtaining an erection
Pain when ejaculating
Once the cancer begins to spread, you may notice pain in your ribs, vertebrae or pelvis. After spreading to the spine, the disease may also lead to compression in the spinal cord as well as fecal and urinary incontinence.
Do I Really Need to Worry About Prostate Cancer?
Although prostate cancer occurs more frequently in men over the age of 50, it is possible for a man of any age to develop the disease. In fact, it is one of the most common forms of cancer for men and, since there are often no symptoms associated with the disease, there is a good chance the disease won’t be caught in its early stages unless you get regular check-ups.
When performing the procedure, your doc will first lube up his or her finger before going hunting for your prostate. Once there, the doctor will check the shape, size and texture of your prostate. If the doctor finds any areas that are hard, lumpy or otherwise unusual feeling, those areas will require further examination. Probing your most private of areas is not the only test that can be performed when screening for prostate cancer, as blood tests should be performed as well. So, how about that, after getting violated in the rear, you also get stuck with a needle. Sounds fun, huh? Well, suck it up, tough guy. It may not be pleasant, but it is necessary to keep your health on track.
Can Prostate Cancer be Prevented?
There is nothing you can do to completely eliminate the possibility of developing prostate cancer, but there are certain steps you can take to help reduce your chances of coming down with the disease. Some research has shown that vitamins such as vitamin E and D can help protect the body from prostate cancer, as can soy foods and even green tea. If you really want to reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer, however, you need to put that prostate to work.
According to a 2003 study performed in Australia, you finally have an excuse to spend some time with Rosie palm and her five sisters. This is because the researchers found that men who masturbate more often are less likely to develop the disease. As a result of the study, the researchers recommend that men ejaculate as frequently as possible between the ages of 20 and 50. So, if you aren’t over 50 yet, you might want to take matters into your own hands (yes, the pun is certainly intended) and take measures now to prevent prostate cancer later. Consider it to be simply part of your regular health regimen. More specifically, researchers found that men in their 20s who ejaculated six or more times per week were 1/3 less likely to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer later
If you don’t want to go this route - and why wouldn’t you? - you can also help reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer by increasing your consumption of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is in most forms of vegetable oil as well as in fats.
The bottom line is to try to eat healthy and get your prostate exam on a regular basis. And, of course, ejaculate as frequently as possible. After all, your health depends upon it.
Just picture it. You are at the bar and that sexy little number with the naughty schoolgirl outfit has been giving you the eye all night long. You know you could hit that with very little effort and you soon start to dream of all the things you could do to her once you got her back to her place. But, would you really know what to do with Miss Hotty if you really did manage to get beneath her skirt? If you are like most of us, you probably don’t even have a clue. Sure, we all talk like we are the king in the sack, but the reality is that most of us wouldn’t know what to do with wet pussy if it hit us upside the head. So, sit back and take some bedroom advice that comes directly from the source.
Mix It Up
“I hate it when a guy does the same old thing every time you hit the sack,” says Melanie. “I like a guy to mix it up a little. You know, sometimes it is sweet and romantic and other times he pounds you like a little whore.”
Of course, if we are talking about a one-nighter here, you don’t have to worry about mixing it up from time to time. Just find what you are good at and show off the moves to your one night conquest. If you are in a long-term relationship, on the other hand, try to avoid getting in a rut.
Guys tend to do the same thing every time they get between the sheets. After all, you have found what works for you and it gets you off, so why make a change? Unfortunately, the same isn’t true with women. Most women I have talked to want you to change it up a little rather than sticking to the same old routine. This doesn’t mean you need to hang from the chandeliers or break out with a ball gag each time you hook up, but try to vary the mood and the action in order to keep your girl interested.
Warm Her Up
If you are a bad lover, you will be getting off right at about the time your girl is ready to get going. Treat your woman like that old classic car you love so much - don’t hop in, turn the key and hit the gas. Rather, start her up, give her a rub down and check her gauges to make sure she is ready to go.
Many guys dread the thought of having to engage in foreplay. After all, you don’t need time to get warmed up. A couple touches in a few key places and you’re ready to go. With women, however, you need to take a little more time to get her ready. This doesn’t mean you have to munch her all night long before you can finally slip it to her. But, try kissing her for awhile and rubbing on the outside of her panties before you slip a finger inside and primer her engine. You will know she is ready when she starts to get moist and her clitoris starts to become engorged.
Spend Some Time with the Little Man in the Boat
Speaking of the clitoris, be certain to give the little fella some of your attention. The reality is that many women can’t get off without having a certain amount of clitoral stimulation. Remember that girl in the naughty school girl outfit? A girl in a skirt offers great opportunities for a little clit action before going in. Slip your hand up beneath her skirt and rub her clit through her panties in a circular fashion, starting off nice and slow and then working your way up to a higher speed while increasing the pressure. By the time you are ready to slip those panties off, they will be soaking wet and she will be ready to jump your bones.
Work the Titties
“I hate it when guys jump right in and start mauling all over my breasts,” complains Melissa. “I mean, I’m into boob action, but there is a right time and a wrong time, you know?”
No, I don’t know. But, when I asked Melissa and the other girls I talked to about where things stand with the boobs, I found that playing with those lovely lumps is something you should work your way into. In other words, if you start sucking and nibbling on her nipples before she has been heated up, it may not be a turn on at all. In fact, some women find it to be a turn off. “It’s too much like breastfeeding - it hurts,” complained one woman.
When you get her motor revving before you move in for the tits, on the other hand, something magical happens. For some reason, most of the women I talked to said that playing with their tits after they have been warmed up is a real turn on. Some even said sucking on their tits is one way to push them over the pleasure plateau - but only if it is done after they are good and worked up.
So, although you may be anxious to just grab that little hottie at the bar and have your way with it, remember that the ladies talk to each other and that a shitty role in the hay may get you blackballed on many lists. Take your time and make sure you leave her something to remember you by - even if you never plan on hooking up with the same girl twice.
Just picture it. You are at the bar and that sexy little number with the naughty schoolgirl outfit has been giving you the eye all night long. You know you could hit that with very little effort and you soon start to dream of all the things you could do to her once you got her back to her place. But, would you really know what to do with Miss Hotty if you really did manage to get beneath her skirt? If you are like most of us, you probably don’t even have a clue. Sure, we all talk like we are the king in the sack, but the reality is that most of us wouldn’t know what to do with wet pussy if it hit us upside the head. So, sit back and take some bedroom advice that comes directly from the source.
Mix It Up
“I hate it when a guy does the same old thing every time you hit the sack,” says Melanie. “I like a guy to mix it up a little. You know, sometimes it is sweet and romantic and other times he pounds you like a little whore.”
Of course, if we are talking about a one-nighter here, you don’t have to worry about mixing it up from time to time. Just find what you are good at and show off the moves to your one night conquest. If you are in a long-term relationship, on the other hand, try to avoid getting in a rut.
Guys tend to do the same thing every time they get between the sheets. After all, you have found what works for you and it gets you off, so why make a change? Unfortunately, the same isn’t true with women. Most women I have talked to want you to change it up a little rather than sticking to the same old routine. This doesn’t mean you need to hang from the chandeliers or break out with a ball gag each time you hook up, but try to vary the mood and the action in order to keep your girl interested.
Warm Her Up
If you are a bad lover, you will be getting off right at about the time your girl is ready to get going. Treat your woman like that old classic car you love so much - don’t hop in, turn the key and hit the gas. Rather, start her up, give her a rub down and check her gauges to make sure she is ready to go.
Many guys dread the thought of having to engage in foreplay. After all, you don’t need time to get warmed up. A couple touches in a few key places and you’re ready to go. With women, however, you need to take a little more time to get her ready. This doesn’t mean you have to munch her all night long before you can finally slip it to her. But, try kissing her for awhile and rubbing on the outside of her panties before you slip a finger inside and primer her engine. You will know she is ready when she starts to get moist and her clitoris starts to become engorged.
Spend Some Time with the Little Man in the Boat
Speaking of the clitoris, be certain to give the little fella some of your attention. The reality is that many women can’t get off without having a certain amount of clitoral stimulation. Remember that girl in the naughty school girl outfit? A girl in a skirt offers great opportunities for a little clit action before going in. Slip your hand up beneath her skirt and rub her clit through her panties in a circular fashion, starting off nice and slow and then working your way up to a higher speed while increasing the pressure. By the time you are ready to slip those panties off, they will be soaking wet and she will be ready to jump your bones.
Work the Titties
“I hate it when guys jump right in and start mauling all over my breasts,” complains Melissa. “I mean, I’m into boob action, but there is a right time and a wrong time, you know?”
No, I don’t know. But, when I asked Melissa and the other girls I talked to about where things stand with the boobs, I found that playing with those lovely lumps is something you should work your way into. In other words, if you start sucking and nibbling on her nipples before she has been heated up, it may not be a turn on at all. In fact, some women find it to be a turn off. “It’s too much like breastfeeding - it hurts,” complained one woman.
When you get her motor revving before you move in for the tits, on the other hand, something magical happens. For some reason, most of the women I talked to said that playing with their tits after they have been warmed up is a real turn on. Some even said sucking on their tits is one way to push them over the pleasure plateau - but only if it is done after they are good and worked up.
So, although you may be anxious to just grab that little hottie at the bar and have your way with it, remember that the ladies talk to each other and that a shitty role in the hay may get you blackballed on many lists. Take your time and make sure you leave her something to remember you by - even if you never plan on hooking up with the same girl twice.
When anyone knowingly endangers the lives of others they can be held accountable for their actions. This is what has happened in the asbestos industry in recent decades. Because they knew the dangers of exposure to asbestos and kept this information hidden, they’re being made to pay asbestos compensation to people that have experienced medical problems.
If you have developed medical problems such as cancer because you have been exposed to asbestos, you are not only entitled to a monetary settlement, you deserve it. And, there are numerous lawyers that are highly competent and very experienced that will help you get the asbestos compensation you deserve.
Exposure to asbestos can cause breathing complications and lead to a fatal form of lung and stomach cancer called mesothelioma. According to scientists, no amount of asbestos exposure is safe, not even small amounts. It has been proven that even in small amounts, asbestos can cause cancer.
You can easily claim your rightful share of asbestos compensation by hiring a lawyer that specializes in handling asbestos cases. Not only will they represent you in court, they will also use their various resources to locate the manufacturer that is responsible for your condition.
Generally an employer isn’t held accountable for the risks associated with asbestos. Instead, the court system places the blame on the manufacturers and requires them to compensate anyone that has been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease.
The only people that can’t receive asbestos compensation are those that wait to long to file a claim and allow the statute of limitations to expire. Because you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim, it’s imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. Don’t wait until it’s too late to claim your share of asbestos compensation.
The ideal way to start a detox programme is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are not on any medications. Seek your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice if you are unsure.
Many experts believe that excessive toxicity of the body creates a whole range of serious illnesses, from osteoarthritis (where toxins settle in the joints), to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. To prevent such illness you need to be in tune with your body, aware of its condition and its needs, and be committed to giving yourself a good, thorough internal spring-clean at least once a year. At that time, also, implement the good eating and exercise habits that will help prevent the build-up of a toxic state again. A spring-clean for the body is an essential part of any preventative system of health care.
The ideal way to detox your body is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are not on any medications. Seek your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice if you are unsure. Choose a day when it is not necessary to be very active – preferably a day when you are not physically challenged. You also need to drink lots of fluid during a fast, as dehydration must never be allowed, but drink only water or hot water and fresh lemon juice. To aid inner cleansing, a very good health habit is to both begin and end the day with a drink of hot water and fresh lemon juice. This has a cleansing effect on the liver and kidneys, as well as the rest of the digestive system.
After the first stage in your detox programme, your 24-hour fast, the idea is to eat as much raw food as possible for the rest of the week. Raw fruit and vegetables are not only the easiest food for the body to digest, and the means of getting the most nutrition from food, but they also have a brilliant cleansing effect on the body. Cooked food is more complicated for the digestive system; uncooked food enhances the metaboblism and strengthens the immune system. Instead of a slow sluggish constitution, the body finds its best level for peak performance.
The high fiber content of fruits and vegetables is excellent for flushing toxic residues out of the body. If you try this approach, you will see an improvement in your overall health, with many minor niggling symptoms disappearing altogether. Whether you suffer from skin rashes, headaches or heart disease, you owe it to yourself to build your body with the right materials.
Try to buy produce that is as fresh as you can get it and buy organic fruit and veg where possible, as they obviously have fewer toxins. A good greengrocer will usually have much fresher fruits and vegetables than the large supermarket chains. The fresher the good, the higher the nutritional value. Fresh herbs are also full of healthful properties, so use them liberally. The ideal, of course, is to grow your own herbs and vegetables, but this is not possible for most of us.
When you do cook your vegetables, remember that many vitamins and minerals are destroyed by the heat in cooking. When we boil vegetables, the nutrients are leached out into the water and poured away down the drain. So, whenever possible, gently steam or stir-fry vegetables for just a few minutes instead, until they are tender – but only just – to preserve their nutritious goodness. Also aim to eat a variety of fruits, salad and other vegetables every day.
Detox action plan
Begin your detox at the weekend or during a time when you don’t have too much going on.
Walk for at least 15 minutes every day.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day – purified, distilled, filtered or bottled. You can also drink dandelion coffee or herb teas.
Have ½ liter of fruit or vegetable juice – either carrot and apple juice (you can buy these two separately and combine with one-third water) with grated ginger, or fresh watermelon juice – a day. The flesh of the watermelon is high in beta-carotene and vitamin C. The seeds are high in vitamin E, as well as the antioxidant minerals zinc and selenium. You can make a great antioxidant cocktail by blending fresh fruit and seeds in a blender into a greast-tasting drink.
Eat in abundance: Fruit – the most beneficial fruits with the highest deter potential include fresh apricots, all berries, cantaloupe melons, citrus fruits, kiwis, papayas, peaches, mangoes, melons, red grapes. Vegetables – especially good are artichokes, peppers, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, red cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, kale, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato, tomatoes, watercress and bean sprouts.
Eat in moderation: Grain – brown rice, corn, millet, and quinoa – not more than two portions per day. Fish – salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna – not more than once a day. Oils – use extra-virgin olive oil for cooking and in place of butter, and cold-pressed seed oils for dressings. Nuts and seeds – a handful a day of raw, unsalted nuts and seeds should be included. Choose from almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds (linseeds).
Avoid: All wheat products, all meat and dairy produce (including eggs), salt and any food containing it, hydrogenated (trans) fats, artificial sweeteners, food additives and preservatives, fried foods, spices, dried fruit. Limits potatoes to one portion every other day and bananas to one every other day.
Don’t be surprised if you feel worse for a couple of day before you start to feel better. This is especially likely if you are eliminating foods to which you are dependant.
Take a double dose daily of quality multivitamin/mineral supplements, plus two 1,000 mg vitamin C capsules and antioxidant complex.
When anyone knowingly endangers the lives of others they can be held accountable for their actions. This is what has happened in the asbestos industry in recent decades. Because they knew the dangers of exposure to asbestos and kept this information hidden, they’re being made to pay asbestos compensation to people that have experienced medical problems.
If you have developed medical problems such as cancer because you have been exposed to asbestos, you are not only entitled to a monetary settlement, you deserve it. And, there are numerous lawyers that are highly competent and very experienced that will help you get the asbestos compensation you deserve.
Exposure to asbestos can cause breathing complications and lead to a fatal form of lung and stomach cancer called mesothelioma. According to scientists, no amount of asbestos exposure is safe, not even small amounts. It has been proven that even in small amounts, asbestos can cause cancer.
You can easily claim your rightful share of asbestos compensation by hiring a lawyer that specializes in handling asbestos cases. Not only will they represent you in court, they will also use their various resources to locate the manufacturer that is responsible for your condition.
Generally an employer isn’t held accountable for the risks associated with asbestos. Instead, the court system places the blame on the manufacturers and requires them to compensate anyone that has been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease.
The only people that can’t receive asbestos compensation are those that wait to long to file a claim and allow the statute of limitations to expire. Because you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim, it’s imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. Don’t wait until it’s too late to claim your share of asbestos compensation.
The ideal way to start a detox programme is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are not on any medications. Seek your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice if you are unsure.
Many experts believe that excessive toxicity of the body creates a whole range of serious illnesses, from osteoarthritis (where toxins settle in the joints), to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. To prevent such illness you need to be in tune with your body, aware of its condition and its needs, and be committed to giving yourself a good, thorough internal spring-clean at least once a year. At that time, also, implement the good eating and exercise habits that will help prevent the build-up of a toxic state again. A spring-clean for the body is an essential part of any preventative system of health care.
The ideal way to detox your body is to begin with a 24-hour fast, if you feel up to it and are not on any medications. Seek your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice if you are unsure. Choose a day when it is not necessary to be very active – preferably a day when you are not physically challenged. You also need to drink lots of fluid during a fast, as dehydration must never be allowed, but drink only water or hot water and fresh lemon juice. To aid inner cleansing, a very good health habit is to both begin and end the day with a drink of hot water and fresh lemon juice. This has a cleansing effect on the liver and kidneys, as well as the rest of the digestive system.
After the first stage in your detox programme, your 24-hour fast, the idea is to eat as much raw food as possible for the rest of the week. Raw fruit and vegetables are not only the easiest food for the body to digest, and the means of getting the most nutrition from food, but they also have a brilliant cleansing effect on the body. Cooked food is more complicated for the digestive system; uncooked food enhances the metaboblism and strengthens the immune system. Instead of a slow sluggish constitution, the body finds its best level for peak performance.
The high fiber content of fruits and vegetables is excellent for flushing toxic residues out of the body. If you try this approach, you will see an improvement in your overall health, with many minor niggling symptoms disappearing altogether. Whether you suffer from skin rashes, headaches or heart disease, you owe it to yourself to build your body with the right materials.
Try to buy produce that is as fresh as you can get it and buy organic fruit and veg where possible, as they obviously have fewer toxins. A good greengrocer will usually have much fresher fruits and vegetables than the large supermarket chains. The fresher the good, the higher the nutritional value. Fresh herbs are also full of healthful properties, so use them liberally. The ideal, of course, is to grow your own herbs and vegetables, but this is not possible for most of us.
When you do cook your vegetables, remember that many vitamins and minerals are destroyed by the heat in cooking. When we boil vegetables, the nutrients are leached out into the water and poured away down the drain. So, whenever possible, gently steam or stir-fry vegetables for just a few minutes instead, until they are tender – but only just – to preserve their nutritious goodness. Also aim to eat a variety of fruits, salad and other vegetables every day.
Detox action plan
Begin your detox at the weekend or during a time when you don’t have too much going on.
Walk for at least 15 minutes every day.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day – purified, distilled, filtered or bottled. You can also drink dandelion coffee or herb teas.
Have ½ liter of fruit or vegetable juice – either carrot and apple juice (you can buy these two separately and combine with one-third water) with grated ginger, or fresh watermelon juice – a day. The flesh of the watermelon is high in beta-carotene and vitamin C. The seeds are high in vitamin E, as well as the antioxidant minerals zinc and selenium. You can make a great antioxidant cocktail by blending fresh fruit and seeds in a blender into a greast-tasting drink.
Eat in abundance: Fruit – the most beneficial fruits with the highest deter potential include fresh apricots, all berries, cantaloupe melons, citrus fruits, kiwis, papayas, peaches, mangoes, melons, red grapes. Vegetables – especially good are artichokes, peppers, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, red cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, kale, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato, tomatoes, watercress and bean sprouts.
Eat in moderation: Grain – brown rice, corn, millet, and quinoa – not more than two portions per day. Fish – salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna – not more than once a day. Oils – use extra-virgin olive oil for cooking and in place of butter, and cold-pressed seed oils for dressings. Nuts and seeds – a handful a day of raw, unsalted nuts and seeds should be included. Choose from almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds (linseeds).
Avoid: All wheat products, all meat and dairy produce (including eggs), salt and any food containing it, hydrogenated (trans) fats, artificial sweeteners, food additives and preservatives, fried foods, spices, dried fruit. Limits potatoes to one portion every other day and bananas to one every other day.
Don’t be surprised if you feel worse for a couple of day before you start to feel better. This is especially likely if you are eliminating foods to which you are dependant.
Take a double dose daily of quality multivitamin/mineral supplements, plus two 1,000 mg vitamin C capsules and antioxidant complex.